About Copying Files

The Copy File menus are a series of panels that collect information used for copying files between nodes. You can use the following four screens to build a COPY Process:

Screen Name Description
COPY FILE BETWEEN NODES Menu Specifies the sending and receiving nodes of the COPY and the submission parameters for your COPY Process.
Security Override Menu Collects information about userid, password, and accounting data. This optional panel is displayed only if you request it on the first panel.
SENDING FILE Menu Collects information for the Process variables for the sending file.
RECEIVING FILE Menu Collects the information for the Process variables for the receiving file.

The relationship of these four panels is illustrated in the following diagram.


To copy a file between nodes the following must be true:
  • You must be authorized to perform COPY Processes on both nodes
  • You must have access to the appropriate files on both nodes
  • Both nodes must be active
  • All interfaces must be started