Symbolic Definitions

This topic identifies the parameters that can be passed to the Process submitted by the IBM® Connect:Direct® API.

Job and Jobstep Values

The following table lists the job and jobstep values.

Parameter Definition
&JACCT Job accounting number
&JOBID JOB ID assigned by JES
&JPNAME Name of the programmer
&JPROC Procedure name
&JROOM Room number of the programmer
&JSECL Security label
&STEPDD DD name of the print file DD statement
&STEPNM Process step name
&SUBNAME User ID of the submitter
&VPSDSN Printer staged data set

Printer File Attributes

Refer to Sample Process for SYSOUT for the available parameters and associated symbolic names for print file attributes passed by the VPSSCDI interface program. Any non-zero attributes for a printer file cause the corresponding symbolic name to be generated on the SUBMIT command created by the IBM Connect:Direct interface program, DGASVPSA . You can reference these symbolic names in the IBM Connect:Direct Process you are submitting.