Statistics Exit
IBM® Connect:Direct® generates and logs statistics to an online journal, then writes the information to the IBM Connect:Direct statistics log as individual records.
Each record contains information about a single event, and is identified by a 2-character record type. For example, type CT is a copy termination record and FP is a flush Process record.
IBM Connect:Direct provides a statistics exit that gives a user-written program access to the statistics records as they are generated. This exit can:
- Output the records or data generated from the records to a user-defined journal, including an SMF log
- Include or exclude the logging of any record to IBM Connect:Direct by return codes
The statistics exit runs as a subtask in the IBM Connect:Direct DTF address space. IBM Connect:Direct uses the STATISTICS.EXIT initialization parameter to specify the exit module name. You define this name, but it cannot conflict with the name of any IBM Connect:Direct module. If a user-defined journal is required, you must add the necessary data definition (DD) statements to the IBM Connect:Direct startup job stream.
The statistics exit indicates if a record is logged by setting a return code set in the SQUSER field of the SQCB. The return code is initialized to zero before the exit is invoked.
You do not have to rewrite existing exits if you do not want to exclude records. Existing exits do not alter the SQUSER field and operate the same as before.