i5/OS Adjacent Node Examples
The following examples show how to define adjacent i5/OS nodes.
The following example shows an adjacent node named AS400.CD.TX with a remote library name of LBNAME and session protocol type of LU0 (SNUF). The SNODE.LUS parameter defines the dependent LU pool.
LU6.2 with Independent LU
The following example shows an adjacent node named AS400.CD.LA with an independent LU communications name of APPLLA1, a remote library name of CDLIB1, a session protocol type of LU6.2, and a logmode entry name of LU62MOD2. The ENVIRONMENT=OS400 parameter is required for i5/OS nodes using the LU6.2 protocol. The LOGMODE parameter is required for the LU6.2 protocol.
LU6.2 with Dependent LU
The following example shows an adjacent i5/OS node named AS400.CD.NY with a remote library name of CDLIB1, a session protocol type of LU6.2, and a logmode entry name of LU62MOD3. The SNODE=LUS parameter defines the dependent LU pool. The ENVIRONMENT=OS400 parameter is required for i5/OS nodes using the LU6.2 protocol. The LOGMODE parameter is required for the LU6.2 protocol.
The following example shows an adjacent node entry with a node name of OS400.TCP.NODE, session protocol type of TCP, a TCP port number of 1364, and an IP address of