Viewing the Statistics Archive Directory through the IUI Interface
To issue the INQUIRE STATDIR command in the IBM® Connect:Direct® IUI, perform the following steps.
- Select option INQ from the Connect:Direct Administrative Options Menu to display the statistics facility. The Inquire DTF Internal Status screen is displayed.
- Type IDIR and press ENTER to display the directory. A
sample of the screen follows. INQUIRE STATISTICS ARCHIVE DIRECTORY CMD ==> mm/dd/yy yyyy.ddd START DATE ==> ________ (Gregorian or Julian) START TIME ==> __________ (HH:MM:SSXM)
- Supply the beginning date and time to limit the display
for the INQUIRE STATDIR command. A report showing the results of
the inquiry is displayed. The following figure shows a partial sample
====================================================================== *INQUIRE STATDIR* DATE: mm/dd/yyyy TIME: hh:mm:ss ====================================================================== Archival DSN: USER01.STT.DGAPSTAT.G0008V00 Archival Notification: 03/02/1998 98.061 00:01:28 Oldest Record: 03/01/1998 98.060 00:00:06 Newest Record: 03/01/1998 98.060 23:59:54 Archival DSN: USER01.STT.DGAPSTAT.G0009V00 Archival Notification: 03/03/1998 98.062 00:01:35 Oldest Record: 03/02/1998 98.061 00:00:11 Newest Record: 03/02/1998 98.061 23:59:45 . . .