Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows silent installation

The installation file for a silent installation of Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows is an executable (.exe).

On the command line for the installation executable, you can specify parameters, such as the parameters in the following list:
  • Database password
  • keycert passphrase
  • Connect:Direct server port
  • Connect:Direct client port
  • Connect:Direct administrator user ID

For more information about the installation executable, see Installation executable silent operation.

The Connect:Direct server supports the use of an INI file, which can specify the value of installation properties. If you plan to use the cd_srvr.ini file to manage a silent installation, change the parameters of the INI file that is provided with Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows to specify site-specific information.

You can use the Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Configuration Utility (CdConfig.exe) to extract and validate configuration information from an existing master node.
  • To extract netmap configuration, run the following command:
    CDConfig.exe /q /mC:\Configurations\MyNetmap.cfg
  • To extract user configuration, run the following command:
    CDConfig.exe /q /uC:\Configurations\MyUserAuth.cfg
  • To extract initialization parameters, run the following command:
    CDConfig.exe /q /pC:\Configurations\MyInitparms.cfg
Attention: If a parameter is defined in both the cd_srvr.ini file and on the command line, the parameter in the cd_srvr.ini file overrides the command-line parameter.
Important: Some parameters must be defined at the command line, such as ADDLOCAL, REMOVE, and INSTALLDIR.

Refer to Sterling Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows deployment options for more information about installation parameters that can be specified in the cd_srvr.ini file or on the command line. This is important when you do not use Control Center for configuration tasks or an enterprise deployment tool.

After installation, you can use Control Center to complete the configuration of your Connect:Direct nodes.