APPLID for IUI and Batch Sessions

Define APPLID for IUI and batch session definition.

Note: Add ENCR=NONE to VTAM APPLs used for IUI sessions to avoid signon problems.

The following example shows three VTAM application definitions for the IBM® Connect:Direct® IUI. These application IDs must match those specified in the IBM Connect:Direct network map. The examples are located in member DGACIAPP of $CD.SDGACNTL.

In the example below, ACBNAME and the label names are representations. You need to change them to represent your own installation.
NAI01    APPL  ACBNAME=NAI01,                                            X
               DLOGMOD=CDLOGM,                                           X
NAI02    APPL  ACBNAME=NAI02,                                            X
               DLOGMOD=CDLOGM,                                           X
NAI03    APPL  ACBNAME=NAI03,                                            X
               DLOGMOD=CDLOGM,                                           X