Match Operators

Operators define how Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent tests for the match criteria using the compare value to evaluate properties of a detected file.

Review the operator functions in the following definition list for how rules are processed and guidelines for creating rules.


To define a rule that instructs Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent to search only the directory specified by the path for the file name that match the specified compare string exactly.

The compare string can include the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark (*?). For example, typing "C:\Data\ABC*" as the string to match causes Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent to process the rule after detecting any file name beginning with ABC in the "C:\Data" directory.

The matches operator requires an exact match for any character except wildcards. This operator requires careful planning to filter files successfully.

Unless you match only on the end of a file name, you must include the path as part of the match string. For example, "*.txt" will correctly match any file in watch directories ending in ".txt". However, "09*.txt" will not match on a file name "09March.txt". Instead, use "<path>/09*.txt" or "*/09*.txt" where <path> is the full path to the watch directory, such as "C:\Data".

Not matches

To define a rule based on characters to exclude. The path and file name are checked against the compare string and Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent processes the rule when it detects any characters other than those specified in the string.

The compare string can include the wildcard characters asterisk (*) and question mark(?).


To define a rule in which Sterling Connect:Direct Integrated File Agent filters for a fully qualified path or file name that contains the text specified as compare string. This is the most versatile operator because it requires only that the compare string exist in any position within the string.


To define an exact match between the fully qualified path and file name or size of the detected file, and the text string or size specified for comparison. This operator requires an exact match for every character position, so use it only when you know the entire file name.

Less than

The detected file size must be smaller than the size specified for comparison.

Greater than

The detected file size must be larger than the size specified for comparison.