Processing rules

The following rules apply to IBM® Connect:Direct® commands and options in the DGA#CBAT job stream.

  • The first command in the job stream must be the REXX exec command DGA#CBAT.
  • The maximum command string length is 4,096 bytes. Each new IBM Connect:Direct command in the job stream must start on a separate line. You can split a command across more than one line by using the continuation mark. However, the first word or string of the next command must start on a new line.
  • Every statement or command in the job stream must be end with a ‘#’ symbol. Each line in this scope must have a continuation sign ‘-‘, unless it is the last line of the job stream. Coding a ‘*’ at column 1 in any line make it a comment line and will not process, it also ends with ‘#’ marker as shown in the following example.
    %DGA#CBAT PARM=YYSLYNNNYYY                                # -
    ***********************************************************# -
     SIGNON USERID=(APRAM1)                                      -
            NODE=CD.ART                                        # -
     SIGNOFF                                                   # 
  • All IBM Connect:Direct commands must start in column 2. Any data in column 1 is considered a label.