Batch interface job requirements for PDS/PDSE copy
Batch interface jobs must meet certain requirements.
This job supports many of the features of existing DGADBATC job. However, there are some new
rules introduced in this job. Batch interface jobs for PDS/PDSE copy must meet certain
- Program: Instead of DGADBATC, IKJEFT01 utility to be used, which executes a REXX exec DGA#CBAT to submits the processes.
- DD: Three new DD names to be introduced for this utility program as described.
- SYSEXEC: This is the library where the REXX exec DGA#CBAT resides. Generally, these are the ISPCLIB libraries.
- SYSTSPRT: This DD captures all the displays coming out of the REXX exec, including any user/system abend generated due to the REXX program logic.
- SYSTSIN: This DD serves the purpose like the SYSIN DD for DGADBATC job. Below are the
guidelines to follow for coding SYSTSIN parameters.
- Every statement or command in the SYSTSIN scope must be end with a ‘#’ symbol. Each line in this scope of the statement must have a continuation sign ‘-‘ at the end, unless it is the last line of the SYSTSIN scope.
- Code a ‘*’ at column 1 to make it a comment line, it will not process, it also ends with ‘#’ marker.
- First line of the SYSTSIN scope must have the REXX exec name preceded by a ‘%’ symbol starting at the 2nd column, followed by the PARM key word. This PARM keyword is exactly same one coded in for DGADBATC jobs and if not specified, default value 'YYSLYNNNNNN' is taken.
- Next executable statement is the SIGNON command. This statement can be coded, the same way it is coded for DGADBATC SYSIN DD.
- The SUBMIT statement, there are two ways this can be coded, one is SUBMIT PROC and another one is SUBMIT DSN. Coding rule is same as it is used to be coded in DGADBATC SYSIN DD. Multiple SUBMIT statements can be coded.
- Last one is SIGNOFF statement; coding rule is no different than DGADBATC SYSIN DD.
- Apart from the above four statements, all other statements will be out of scope for 6.4 release and should not be coded.
- Multiple SIGNON/SIGNOFF statement will not be supported in 6.4 release and should not be coded.
- Symbolics coded in the SUMBIT statement will gets the priority over the one coded inside the process.
- You cannot use Process statements in the job stream. Use the SUBMIT command with a preexisting Process that contains Process statements. The batch job is notified of a successful SUBMIT, but not whether the PROCESS itself is successful. Unless MAXDELAY is used, DGA#CBAT processing of the SUBMIT is asynchronous.
- For DGA#CBAT, specify a region size of 0 megabytes (REGION=0M), especially if you specify MAXDELAY. If you specify a different region size, the DGA#CBAT job may ABEND with an 878 code.
- The Processes that you submit using the PROC parameter must be in the IBM Connect:Direct
Public Process Library, allocated to the DMPUBLIB DD statement in the DGA#CBAT JCL. If the
Process is not in the IBM Connect:Direct Public Process Library, use the DSN parameter of the
SUBMIT command to indicate the location of the Process. See Building, Modifying, and Submitting
Processes, for the DSN parameter description.
The IBM Connect:Direct commands that you use in the batch job stream must follow the syntax that is outlined in Writing IBM Connect:Direct Commands.
- If you are not using the Extended Submit Facility (ESF), the DTFs that you sign on to must be active when you submit the DGA#CBAT job.
- You can specify ESF as a SIGNON command parameter. You can only issue SIGNON, SIGNOFF, and SUBMIT commands by using ESF. ESF is only available for Processes you submit on the local node. You cannot use ESF with MAXDELAY.