Example: Process Management Steps

Following is an example of the steps in Process management.

  1. A IBM® Connect:Direct®/Plex consists of a IBM Connect:Direct Manager and two IBM Connect:Direct Servers. Both IBM Connect:Direct Servers can process the same PLEXCLASS (CLASS1).
  2. The IBM Connect:Direct Manager receives a new Process. After determining that both IBM Connect:Direct Servers support the PLEXCLASS required to run the Process, the IBM Connect:Direct Manager determines which IBM Connect:Direct Server has the lowest workload.

    In this case, SERVER2 has the lowest workload; it has one active Process out of a maximum of four. The IBM Connect:Direct Manager routes the Process to SERVER2, and the last scheduled time of SERVER2 is updated to the current time.

  3. The IBM Connect:Direct Manager has another Process to schedule. SERVER1 and SERVER2 have the same workload. However, the last Process is scheduled to SERVER2, so the IBM Connect:Direct Manager routes the new Process to SERVER1.