Using REST Client to validate RESTful APIs
A third-party application, such as Postman, can be used to make REST API calls. Postman is available for download at and is used in the example procedures in the following sections.
Sign On
Sign On is required to use all IBM Connect:Direct Web Service RESTful APIs.
Note: Ensure that the authorization header is included each time a RESTful API is invoked for
Sign On procedure
- Make a POST request to the URL
. - Encode the IBM® Connect:Direct user name and password into Base64. To encode the username and
password use URL
.For example, encoded password for admin:password123 becomes YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=.
- Set the Request Header to:
Authorization Basic <Encoded_Password from step 2 e.g. YWRtaW46cGFzc3dvcmQxMjM=> Content-Type application/json; charset=iso-8859-1 X-XSRF-TOKEN Y2hlY2tpdA== (fixed for the first time)
- Set the Request body and submit the request
{ "ipAddress":"CDNODE IP", "port":1363, "protocol":"NONE || TLS1.2 || TLS1.3" }
- Complete the Request body as follows:
POST /cdwebconsole/svc/signon HTTP/1.1 Host: <CDWS_IPAddress:Port> Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8 X-XSRF-TOKEN: Y2hlY2tpdA== Authorization: Basic QWRtaW5pc3RyYXRvcjpNc3dAMTIzIQ== Cache-Control: no-cache { "ipAddress":"", "protocol":"tcpip", "port":1363 }
- Response message received as follows:
[ { "messageCode": 200, "message": "Signon is successful", "version": "CDWS_VERSION", "nodeName": "CD_NODE_NAME" } ]
- User receives an Authorization and XSRF token in response header that can be used to execute
other RESTful APIs.
Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMzU6MTM2MzplMDI 0YjAzZC03NzkwLTQxMjItOTZkOC1iZjg5MmY5NDcxM2MiLCJleHAiOjE1NTcxMjcyMTJ9.ME_mni-wgm rzVL214ijhxNzU-bgHw9bv-Ktz8WL84ljpEYtgm89jfH7ehspyk-zgS6J8JiL2GJrG3JYo1REs1w XSRF: 809ab7e8-c6be-41ac-84f1-b4f8db246d9e
Example 1: Submit a Process using REST API
The following example describes steps to execute a Submit Process Control RESTful API using POST method.
- Call the SignOn API and get the authorization token and XSRF-TOKEN token from the header
in the response.
Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYu MzU6MTM2MzplMDI0Y jAzZC03NzkwLTQxMjItOTZkOC1iZjg5MmY5NDcxM2MiLCJleHAiOjE1NTcxMjcyMTJ9.ME_mni-wgmrzVL 214ijhxNzU-bgHw9bv-Ktz8WL84ljpEYtgm89jfH7ehspyk-zgS6J8JiL2GJrG3JYo1REs1w XSRF: 809ab7e8-c6be-41ac-84f1-b4f8db246d9e
- Submit a POST request at the following URL:
- Call the API with the Authorization header:
- Call the API with the XSRF header as X-XSRF-TOKEN:
X-XSRF-TOKEN : <XSRF_Token_From_Step_1>
- Set the content type to:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
- Set the request body to:
{ "processFile": "C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test.cdp" }
- Complete request body as follows:
POST /cdwebconsole/svc/processcontrolcriterias HTTP/1.1 Host: <CDWS_IPAddress:Port> Content-Type: application/json X-XSRF-TOKEN: 809ab7e8-c6be-41ac-84f1-b4f8db246d9e Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4x ODYuMzU6MTM2MzplMDI0YjAzZC03NzkwLTQxMjItOTZkOC1iZjg5MmY5NDcxM2MiLCJleHAiOjE1 NTcxMjcyMTJ9.ME_mni-wgmrzVL214ijhxNzU-bgHw9bv-Ktz8WL84ljpEYtgm89jfH7ehspyk-z gS6J8JiL2GJrG3JYo1REs1w Cache-Control: no-cache { "processFile": "C:\\Users\\Administrator\\Desktop\\CDWS_AutoInstall\\cd_proc ess_dir \\test.cdp" }
- Response received as follows:
{ "messageCode": 201, "message": "The process has been successfully submitted with processNumber '126'" }
Example 2: Select Statistics for a Process using REST API
The following example describes steps to execute a Select Statistics Services RESTful API using GET method.
- Call the SignOn API and get the authorization token and XSRF-TOKEN token from the header
in the response.
Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMzU6MTM2MzplMD I0YjAzZC03NzkwLTQxMjItOTZkOC1iZjg5MmY5NDcxM2MiLCJleHAiOjE1NTcxMjcyMTJ9.ME_mni- wgmrzVL214ijhxNzU-bgHw9bv-Ktz8WL84ljpEYtgm89jfH7ehspyk-zgS6J8JiL2GJrG3JYo1REs1w XSRF: 809ab7e8-c6be-41ac-84f1-b4f8db246d9e
- Submit a GET request at the following URL with process number generated in Example 1: Submit a Process using REST API:
https://<CDWS_IPAddress:Port>/cdwebconsole/svc/selectstatistics? processNumber= 126
- Call the API with the Authorization header:
Authorization: <Authorization _Token_From_Step_1>
- Call the API with the XSRF header as X-XSRF-TOKEN:
X-XSRF-TOKEN : <XSRF_Token_From_Step_1>
- Set the content type to:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
- Complete the request body as follows:
Get /cdwebconsole/svc/selectstatistics?processNumber=126 HTTP/1.1 Host: <CDWS_IPAddress:Port> Content-Type: application/json X-XSRF-TOKEN: 809ab7e8-c6be-41ac-84f1-b4f8db246d9e Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4 xODYuMzU6MTM2MzplMDI0YjAzZC03NzkwLTQxMjItOTZkOC1iZjg5MmY5NDcxM2MiLCJleHAiOj E1NTcxMjcyMTJ9.ME_mni-wgmrzVL214ijhxNzU-bgHw9bv-Ktz8WL84ljpEYtgm89jfH7ehspyk -zgS6J8JiL2GJrG3JYo1REs1w Cache-Control: no-cache
- Response received as follows:
{ "stopTime": "Mon May 06 12:41:32 IST 2019", "submitNode": "CDWLT-025", "msgShortText": "The submit of the process succeeded.", "recordCategory": "CAPR", "startTime": "Mon May 06 12:41:32 IST 2019", "recordId": "SUBP", "conditionCode": 0, "submitter": "Administrator", "messageId": "LCCA013I", "logDateTime": "Mon May 06 12:41:32 IST 2019", "processName": "PP", "processNumber": 127, "secondaryNode": "CDWLT-025" }
Sign Out
Sign Out is required to close an active session.
- Call the SignOn API and get the authorization token and XSRF-TOKEN token from the header
in the response.
Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMzU6MTM2MzplMDI0Y jAzZC03NzkwLTQxMjItOTZkOC1iZjg5MmY5NDcxM2MiLCJleHAiOjE1NTcxMjcyMTJ9.ME_mni-wgmrzVL 214ijhxNzU-bgHw9bv-Ktz8WL84ljpEYtgm89jfH7ehspyk-zgS6J8JiL2GJrG3JYo1REs1w XSRF: 809ab7e8-c6be-41ac-84f1-b4f8db246d9e
- Submit a DELETE request at the following:
URL https://<CDWS_IPAddress:Port>/cdwebconsole/svc/SignOut
- Call the API with the Authorization header:
Authorization: <Authorization Token_From_Step_1>
- Call the API with the XSRF header as X-XSRF-TOKEN:
X-XSRF-TOKEN : <XSRF_Token_From_Step_1>
- Set the content type to:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
- Set the request body as follows:
{ "userAccessToken": "<Access_Token_From_Step_1>" }
- Complete the request body as follows:
Delete /cdwebconsole/svc/signout HTTP/1.1 Host: Content-Type: application/json Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xODYuMz U6MTM2MzplMDI0YjAzZC03NzkwLTQxMjItOTZkOC1iZjg5MmY5NDcxM2MiLCJleHAiOjE1NTcxMjcyMTJ9. ME_mni-wgmrzVL214ijhxNzU-bgHw9bv-Ktz8WL84ljpEYtgm89jfH7ehspyk-zgS6J8JiL2GJrG3JYo1R Es1w X-XSRF-TOKEN: 809ab7e8-c6be-41ac-84f1-b4f8db246d9e Cache-Control: no-cache {"userAccessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJBZG1pbmlzdHJhdG9yOjE3Mi4yMC4xO DYuMzU6MTM2MzplMDI0YjAzZC03NzkwLTQxMjItOTZkOC1iZjg5MmY5NDcxM2MiLCJleHAiOjE1NTcxMjcy MTJ9.ME_mni-wgmrzVL214ijhxNzU-bgHw9bv-Ktz8WL84ljpEYtgm89jfH7ehspyk-zgS6J8JiL2GJrG3J Yo1REs1w"}
- Response received as follows:
{ "signOut": true, "userId": "Administrator" }