REST API request headers

The REST APIs support common HTTP request headers.

Table 1. REST API request headers
Parameter Required or Optional or Read Only Description Validation Valid values
X-XSRF-TOKEN Required The unique session token that is generated when the user authenticates with the configuration manager, using the REST API. The same session token could be reused when accessing other resources. Must be mapped to the user that is authenticated UUID (Universal Unique Identifier) or Base64 format

For Sign-on API:

Sample value: Y2hlY2tpdA== (Base 64 format)

For other API’s:

Substitute the value from Sign-on API’s response header (field name : _csrf) after successful sign-on.

Authorization Required This field is used to pass user credentials. Must be mapped to the user that is authenticated Minimum 8 characters long

For Sign-on API:

Sample value: Basic YWRtaW46QWRtaW5AMTIz

Where Basic is the Auth Type followed by user credentials in the encoded format (Base 64).

Sample value after decode: admin:Admin@123, where admin is the username and Admin@123 is the password.

For other API’s:

Substitute the Authorization value from Sign-on API’s response header after successful sign-on.

Content-Type Required This value corresponds to the Accept type specified in the request header. JSON "application/json"