Partially Supported FTP Commands
The following FTP commands are supported by IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® FTP+ with limitations described in the Notes:
Command | Description | Note |
AScii | Sets the transfer type to ASCII | Treated as EBCDIC |
BIG5 | Sets the transfer type to BIG5. BIG is the minimum abbreviation for BIG5. | Only to set DBCS= table in IBM Connect:Direct |
HAngeul | Sets the transfer type to HANGEUL | Only to set DBCS= table in IBM Connect:Direct |
JIS78kj | Sets the transfer type to JIS78KJ | Only to set DBCS= table in IBM Connect:Direct |
JIS83kj | Sets the transfer type to JIS83KJ | Only to set DBCS= table in IBM Connect:Direct |
Ksc5601 | Sets the transfer type to KSC5601 | Only to set DBCS= table in IBM Connect:Direct |
LMkdir | Create a directory on the local host | "(LIKE" ignored |
LOCSIte | Specifies information that is used by the local host to provide service specific to that host system | Ignores all but:
Errors out on:
MKdir | Creates a directory on the foreign host | "(LIKE" ignored |
MOde | Specifies the mode or data format of the transfer | MODE C honored as COMPRESS. All others ignored. |
Open | Opens a connection to a foreign host | Port ignored |
Pass | Supplies a password to the foreign host | No :userdata or account_information supported (ignored) |
PROMpt | Toggles interactive prompting for MDelete, MGet, and MPut commands | Toggles prompt switch |
PROXy | Executes an FTP subcommand on a secondary control connection | Treated as OPEN statement |
PROTect SAFE | Sets SECURE=(ENC=Y) in COPY step | Treated as PROTECT PRIVATE |
QUOte | Sends an uninterpreted string of data | Interprets command locally |
SAfe | Sets the protection level on data transfers to safe | Treated as PRIVATE. Sets SECURE=(ENC=Y) in the COPY step. |
SChinese | Sets the transfer type to SCHINESE | Only to set DBCS= table in IBM Connect:Direct |
SIte | Sends information to the foreign host using site-specific commands | Ignores all but:
Errors out on:
SUnique | Toggles the storage methods | NAME/NONAME not supported Used to set DISP=NEW or DISP=RPL for output file |
TChinese | Sets the transfer type to TCHINESE | Only to set DBCS= table in IBM Connect:Direct |
TYpe | Specifies the transfer type | Ignores all but:
User | Identifies you to a foreign host | No :userdata and account_information supported (ignored) |