Fully Supported FTP Commands

The following FTP commands are fully supported by IBM® Connect:Direct® FTP+ for z/OS as described in the following:

Command Description
APpend Appends a data set on the local host to a file on the foreign host
BINary Sets the transfer type to IMAGE
CD Changes the working directory
CDUp Changes to the parent of the current working directory
CLEar Sets the protection level for data transfers to CLEAR
CLose Disconnects from the foreign host
COMpress Sets the data transfer mode to compressed mode
CWd Changes the working directory (Synonymous with CD)
DELEte Deletes a single file on the foreign host
DELImit Displays the delimiter character between the file_name and file_type
DIr Lists the directory entries for files on the foreign host
Note: Format is from IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Plug-in
EBcdic Sets the transfer type to EBCDIC
Get Copies a file from the foreign host to your local host
Note: "(REPLACE" supported
GLob Toggles globbing (the expansion of metacharacters in file names) for the MDelete, MGet, and MPut subcommands
LCd Changes the working directory on the local host
LPwd Displays the name of the active working directory on the local host
LS Lists the names of files on the foreign host
MDelete Deletes multiple files on the foreign host
MGet Copies multiple files from the foreign host to the local host
Note: "(REPLACE" supported
MPut Copies multiple files on the local host to the foreign host
PRIvate Sets the protection level for data transfers to PRIVATE
PROtect CLEAR PROTECT sets the protection level for data transfers on data connections. CLEAR sets SECURE=(ENC=N) in COPY steps.
PROtect PRIVATE PROTECT sets the protection level for data transfers on data connections. PRIVATE sets SECURE=(ENC=Y) in COPY steps.
PUt Copies a file on the local host to the foreign host
PWd Displays the name of the active working directory on the foreign host
QUIt Leaves the FTP command environment
REName Renames a file on the foreign host
RMdir Removes a directory
SENDSite Enables or disables automatic transmission of the SIte subcommand
Note: Used to determine whether to propagate DCB or use SITE/LOCSITE