Fully Supported FTP Commands
The following FTP commands are fully supported by IBM® Connect:Direct® FTP+ for z/OS as described in the following:
Command | Description |
APpend | Appends a data set on the local host to a file on the foreign host |
BINary | Sets the transfer type to IMAGE |
CD | Changes the working directory |
CDUp | Changes to the parent of the current working directory |
CLEar | Sets the protection level for data transfers to CLEAR |
CLose | Disconnects from the foreign host |
COMpress | Sets the data transfer mode to compressed mode |
CWd | Changes the working directory (Synonymous with CD) |
DELEte | Deletes a single file on the foreign host |
DELImit | Displays the delimiter character between the file_name and file_type |
DIr | Lists the directory entries for files on the foreign host Note: Format is from
IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Plug-in
EBcdic | Sets the transfer type to EBCDIC |
Get | Copies a file from the foreign host to your local host Note: "(REPLACE"
GLob | Toggles globbing (the expansion of metacharacters in file names) for the MDelete, MGet, and MPut subcommands |
LCd | Changes the working directory on the local host |
LPwd | Displays the name of the active working directory on the local host |
LS | Lists the names of files on the foreign host |
MDelete | Deletes multiple files on the foreign host |
MGet | Copies multiple files from the foreign host to the local host Note: "(REPLACE"
MPut | Copies multiple files on the local host to the foreign host |
PRIvate | Sets the protection level for data transfers to PRIVATE |
PROtect CLEAR | PROTECT sets the protection level for data transfers on data connections. CLEAR sets SECURE=(ENC=N) in COPY steps. |
PROtect PRIVATE | PROTECT sets the protection level for data transfers on data connections. PRIVATE sets SECURE=(ENC=Y) in COPY steps. |
PUt | Copies a file on the local host to the foreign host |
PWd | Displays the name of the active working directory on the foreign host |
QUIt | Leaves the FTP command environment |
REName | Renames a file on the foreign host |
RMdir | Removes a directory |
SENDSite | Enables or disables automatic transmission of the SIte subcommand Note: Used to
determine whether to propagate DCB or use SITE/LOCSITE