C++ Class and the C API Functions Return Codes

CDAPI.H Return Code Values

This table describes the return code values defined in CDAPI.H.

Name Description
CD_NO_ERROR No error detected.
CD_ENDOFDATA No more data available.
CD_PARM_ERROR Invalid parameter detected.
CD_INITIALIZE_ERROR Initialization failed or initialization has not been performed.
CD_CONNECT_ERROR Error occurred during attach processing.
CD_CONNECT_CANCELLED Attach operation cancelled by the user.
CD_CONNECTED_ERROR Invalid Connect:Direct® server name.
CD_DISCONNECT_ERROR Connect:Direct server disconnected from the client.
CD_NODENAME_ERROR The Name field not set and the default not found.
CD_USERID_ERROR Invalid user ID specified.
CD_ADDRESS_ERROR Invalid TCP/IP address.
CD_PROTOCOL_ERROR Invalid or unsupported protocol specified.
CD_HANDLE_ERROR Invalid handle.
CD_HANDLE_TYPE_ERROR The wrong handle type specified.
CD_LOGON_ERROR Error while logging on to the Connect:Direct server. The user ID or password may be invalid.
CD_DIALOG_ERROR Dialog box not created correctly.
CD_CANCEL An error occurred creating the dialog box or retrieving the entered information.
CD_BUSY_ERROR Operation failed. Connection is currently busy.
CD_IDLE_ERROR Operation failed. Connection is currently idle.
CD_KQV_ERROR Invalid KQV stream detected.
CD_NOT_FOUND Object not found.
CD_ALREADY_EXISTS Object already exists.
CD_ALLOCATE_ERROR Allocation error occurred.
CD_NODE_ERROR Invalid network map node.
CD_PARSER_ERROR Parser detected an error.
CD_ACCESS_DENIED Object access denied.
CD_SEND_ERROR Error while sending error.
CD_RECEIVE_ERROR Error while receiving error.
CD_CONNECTION_ERROR A connection error occurred.
CD_REGISTRY_ERROR An error occurred while opening the Registry.
CD_TIMEOUT_ERROR Time-out value was reached.
CD_BUFFER_ERROR The buffer is not big enough to hold all of the items in the list.
CD_COMMAND_ERROR The command was not recognized.
CD_PROCESS_ERROR The Process status is HE, held in error.
CD_UNDEFINED_ERROR An unknown exception.
CD_NOT_SUPPORTED An unknown exception.