Determining the Status of a Submitted Process
The Select Process and Select Process - Operator Table screens allow you to view information about the Processes you have submitted.
- To access the SELECT PROCESS screen to view information
about your Processes, type SP on the PRIMARY
MENU and press Enter.
Following is an example of the SELECT PROCESS screen.
SELECT PROCESS 11:39:56 OPTION ==> O (O - OPERATOR TABLE P - PRINT REPORT) QUEUE ==> _ (A-ALL,W-WAIT,E-EXECUTE,H-HOLD,T-TIMER) PROCESS NUMBERS: ==> ______ ==> ______ ==> ______ ==> ______ PROCESS NAMES: ==> ________ ==> ________ ==> ________ ==> ________ SERVER NAMES: ==> ________ ==> ________ ==> ________ ==> ________ STATUS: (HO,HR,HI,HE,HC,HP,HS,RH,RA,WC,H,R,W) ==> __ ==> __ ==> __ ==> __ DESTINATION NODES: ==> ________________ ==> ________________ ==> ________________ ==> ________________ USER ID: NODE ID: ==>.node1 ==> ==> ________________________________________________________________ ==> ________________ Do you want values for this command to be CASE sensitive? ==> NO PF keys: 1 Help 2 Msg 3 Exit 4 Menu 6 Id
The following table describes the entry fields on this screen:
Field Description QUEUE This 1-character field contains your selection of the Process queues for display: A (to select all queues), W (for the Wait queue), E (for the execution queue), H (for the Hold queue), or T (for the Timer queue). This field is optional. PROCESS NUMBERS These four fields of six characters each contain the numbers of Processes to be selected. The field is optional. If you select nothing, all Processes in the selected queue are displayed. PROCESS NAMES These four fields of eight characters each contain the names of Processes to be selected. The field is optional. If you select nothing, all Processes in the selected queue are displayed. SERVER NAMES These four fields contain the IBM® Connect:Direct®/Server names to select Processes from. The server name is a 1–8 character name assigned to each server in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex through the CDPLEX.SERVER initialization parameter. This field only applies to a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex. STATUS This optional field indicates specific queue status selection by use of the following characters: HO, held by operator. The Process was submitted without hold specified and later was changed with the CHANGE PROCESS command.
HR, held retain. The Process was submitted with RETAIN=YES specified.
HI, held initially. The Process was submitted with HOLD=YES specified.
HE, held in error. The Process was submitted, but the submitter is not defined on the SNODE.
HC, held for call. The Process was submitted with HOLD=CALL specified. A session started from the other node causes this Process to be put on the wait queue in WC status.
HP, held Process error. An error occurred during initiation of Process execution. This condition can occur if the session is lost before any Process Statements begin to execute.
HS, held for suspension. The operator issued a SUSPEND PROCESS command. The Process can be released later.
RH, restart Held. A checkpointed Process was executing when an error such as a lost session or an I/O error occurred. This enables the copy to be restarted when the session is lost and reestablished.
RA, held for restart allocation error. During Process execution, an allocation error occurred matching those specified in the initialization parameters. This status enables the Process to be restarted after the allocation problem is resolved.
STATUS WC, wait for connection. Session establishment attempted, including retries if specified, and failed. This Process is put on the wait queue and processed if a session with that node is established later. It can also be released by the operator. WT, wait for transport. The transport protocol is not available. The Process runs as soon as the transport protocol is available.
WX, wait for server. The Process is waiting for an eligible IBM Connect:Direct/Server to become available. The Process runs as soon as an eligible IBM Connect:Direct/Server is available.
An eligible IBM Connect:Direct/Server is an active server that supports the Process PLEXCLASS and the transport protocol (SNA, TCP, or CTCA). The transport protocol must also be available on the server for it to be eligible.
H, all Held Processes. This selection enables you to view a list of all held Processes from the Select Process screen.
R, all restarted Processes. This selection enables you to view a list of all restarted Processes from the Select Process screen.
W, all waiting Processes. This selection enables you to view a list of all waiting Processes from the Select Process screen.
DESTINATION NODES This optional field indicates the destination site identifier (NODE NAME). USER ID This optional field is an alphanumeric userid corresponding to a selected Process. NODE ID This optional field identifies the submitter node corresponding to a selected Process. NODE ID is required if USER ID is specified. Do you want values for this command to be CASE Sensitive? Following this question, indicate whether you want to allow mixed case input. This option is available as a session default, and you can specify the option during signon. You can override the specified default on commands that apply to userid, password, and data set name. When you submit commands and specify YES, IBM Connect:Direct includes the CASE=YES parameter with your command. Note: CICS® only interprets mixed case data if your terminal is defined to accept it. The CICS RDO TYPETERM definition must be defined with UCTRAN(NO) for mixed case data to be input to IBM Connect:Direct from a CICS terminal. - Take one of the following actions in the OPTION field:
- To print a report on your default printer (defined in your signon defaults), type P and press Enter.
- To access the SELECT PROCESS - OPERATOR TABLE screen and create a 1-line summary of each selected Process, specify the entry fields listed above, then type O (alphabetic, not zero) and press ENTER.