GET Trusted Certificates
The Get Trusted Certificates API is used to retrieve the Trusted Certificates details.
Method | URI |
/cdwebconsole/svc/mftTrustCertificates |
The following example shows the Command:
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiI0MjI0Y2M4YS0yNmVjLTQxOTMtYWY5Mi1iMzg1MjVkODRjM2EiLCJleHAiOjE3MTQ5OTgwMDN9.ZB8KQoTUnQ27QQ0TaRhSzJfVisO1tgE6ctn4vqMyeGjNMEn0a_5JqscslDbpmEwx1P04ZvCJVVAWk4BPBAEiew' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: b0b136f2-7a96-48c7-b1c7-a1efd83c451f'
The following example shows the Sample Response:
"certificateLabel": "rootcc.pem",
"parentCertificate": null,
"extensions": {
"keyUsage": "04 04 03 02 02 04",
"basicConstraints": "[4, 5, 48, 3, 1, 1, -1]",
"subjectKeyIdentifier": "04 16 04 14 ***"
"version": 3,
"serialNumber": "27 0a 41 3e",
"publicKey": "30 82 02 22 ****1",
"certificateData": "{certificvate data goes here}",
"validTo": "Sun May 13 07:44:30 IST 2040",
"subjectAltNames": {},
"validFrom": "Mon May 18 07:44:30 IST 2020",
"sigAlgorithm": "SHA512withRSA",
"sigHashAlgorithm": "SHA512",
"signature": "6d e7 75 09 50 *****",
"basicConstraints": 2147483647
"totalTrustCertificates": 1