GET all Key Certificates
The GET all Key Certificate API is used to retrieves the IDs(names) of all the key certificates that exist within the Connect:Direct Web Services.
Method | URI |
/cdwebconsole/svc/mftKeyCertificates |
The following example shows the Command:
curl -X 'GET' \
'' \
-H 'Authorization: eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJlMzVkMTMwZi01NTA1LTRjNmEtOTg3ZS1iZTcwM2VmMTc3MjQiLCJleHAiOjE3MTQ5ODY2OTl9.EVBxBLvmUoBAdGS7dPY1JQGGDz28_TqZcFk8T-Prx5oUmZejyFKmY-BdGAQIDeKzuunaWPKeTuxC7pnsmgPGEQ' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H 'X-XSRF-TOKEN: 4b5924ca-a7e2-4bf9-81c7-d81eeb9983c2'
The following example shows the Sample Response:
"certificateLabel": "ibmconnectdirectwebservices",
"parentCertificate": null,
"extensions": {
"authorityKeyIdentifier": "04 0c 30 0a 80 08 03 bc d3 75 0e 0f 0c b5",
"subjectKeyIdentifier": "04 0a 04 08 03 bc d3 75 0e 0f 0c b5",
"subjectAltName": "04 2c 30 2a"
"version": 3,
"subject": "CN=localhost,OU=ConnectDirectWebServices,O=IBM,L=Irving,ST=Texas ",
"serialNumber": "64 3f 70 d7",
"issuer": "CN=localhost,OU=ConnectDirectWebServices,O=IBM,L=Irving,ST=Texas, ",
"publicKey": "30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a ……",
"commonName": "localhost",
"certificateData": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\**** \n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n",
"validTo": "Tue Apr 14 10:10:55 IST 2043",
"subjectAltNames": {
"Email: ": "",
"DNS: ": "localhost",
"IPAddress: ": ""
"validFrom": "Wed Apr 19 10:10:55 IST 2023",
"sigAlgorithm": "SHA256withRSA",
"sigHashAlgorithm": "SHA256",
"signature": "57 53 26 05 …..",
"basicConstraints": -1
"totalKeyCertificates": 1