Use the INQUIRE MAINT command to automatically trace and list modules maintenance history of a
Connect:Direct server.
The INQUIRE MAINT command has the following format and parameter.
Label |
Command |
Parameter |
(optional) |
WHERE (SERVER=server name) |
The INQUIRE MAINT parameter is:
Parameter |
Description |
WHERE (SERVER=server name) |
This parameter is optional. This parameter specifies the IBM® Connect:Direct®/Plex server module
maintenance history you want to view. The server name parameter is the 1–8 character name assigned
to a IBM Connect:Direct/Server by the
CDPLEX.SERVER initialization parameter. If you do not specify this parameter, the IBM Connect:Direct/Manager maintenance history
is displayed. You do not need this parameter for a IBM Connect:Direct/Stand-alone Server. |
Sample Report
The following figure shows
a partial sample report.
CDZOSA.SKUMA1 ** INQ MAINT ** DATE: 04.17.2020 TIME: 11:25:51
SYSTEM INITIALIZED ----------------------- 04.17.2020 05:40:43
** Base Release Date =04/06/20 **
DGADIMNT EP=980DFEC8 SIZE=00001138 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DGADNMPR EP=97FC5028 SIZE=00000260 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMABMB EP=97DA9000 SIZE=00006000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMADDUSR EP=97DBF320 SIZE=00001CE0 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMAMF EP=97DC6CC0 SIZE=00001340 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMCBCOPY EP=97E53000 SIZE=00011000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMCBDIR EP=9809DA88 SIZE=00000578 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMCBGOTO EP=97DC64C8 SIZE=000007F8 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMCBIF EP=97E64D30 SIZE=000012D0 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMCBPEND EP=97E17170 SIZE=00000CE0 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMCBRJRT EP=97E80000 SIZE=00004000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMCBSUBM EP=97E2B000 SIZE=00028000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.03 PTF R000000
DMCERTCK EP=97ED5450 SIZE=00000BB0 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCHGPRC EP=97DCB000 SIZE=00009000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCNOSMG EP=97EDC7E8 SIZE=00000818 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCONATX EP=980AF000 SIZE=00002000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.02 PTF R000000
DMCONERR EP=97BD0718 SIZE=00000328 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCONINT EP=97BE6000 SIZE=00006000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCONLOG EP=97D94000 SIZE=00015000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCONLOX EP=980B1000 SIZE=00012000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.02 PTF R000000
DMCONLSX EP=0002F558 SIZE=00001AA8 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.02 PTF R000000
DMCONLU6 EP=98029000 SIZE=00005000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCONNSX EP=00031000 SIZE=00003000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.02 PTF R000000
DMCONSCX EP=980C3000 SIZE=0000A000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.02 PTF R000000
DMCONSRV EP=97D8F000 SIZE=00005000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCOPYRT EP=97CA2000 SIZE=0007B000 ID=
DMGCPCPY EP=17CA2000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMGCPDBC EP=17CA9900 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMGCPMIS EP=17CABC08 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMGCPPDS EP=17CBA068 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMGCPRCV EP=17CC0560 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.05 PTF R000000
DMGCPSND EP=17CC9B10 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.05 PTF R000000
DMCTCASM EP=98064000 SIZE=00002000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCTCASS EP=98066000 SIZE=00002000 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 04/06/20 13.04 PTF R000000
DMCXSUBM EP=00035650 SIZE=000009B0 ID=V6R01M00P00.0000 01/07/20 02.38 PTF R000000