Install IBM Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Plug-in

The IBM® Sterling Connect:Direct® FTP+ Plug-in must be installed on the IBM Connect:Direct nodes that IBM Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ for z/OS communicates with. The IBM Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Plug-in is already included in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® installation. If the remote node is a Connect:Direct for UNIX or Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows server, the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Plug-in must be deployed on the remote system. For IBM Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ Plug-in installation instructions for Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows and Connect:Direct for UNIX, refer to the latest IBM Sterling Connect:Direct FTP+ 1.2 Release Notes.

Note: Make a note of the fully-qualified installation directory of the plug-in (unless the remote node is IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS) and the fully qualified name of the plug-in temporary file on the remote IBM Connect:Direct server. You need this information when you update the Netmap.