Define the IBM Connect:DirectVSAM Files


  1. Edit and customize the following members in the $CD.SDGACNTL dataset for your environment:
    • DGACVDEF – IDCAMS Define of the IBM® Connect:Direct® VSAM files
    • DGACVDEL – IDCAMS Delete of the IBM Connect:Direct VSAM files
    • DGACNDEF – IDCAMS Delete/Define of the IBM Connect:Direct Network Map
    • DGACAUTH – IDCAMS Repro of the AUTH File
    • DGACMSGV – IDCAMS Repro of the MSG File
    • DGACTYPE – IDCAMS Repro of the TYPE File
  2. Edit, customize, and submit member DGAJVSAM in the $CD.SDGAJCL dataset. This job defines all IBM Connect:Direct VSAM files, and loads the MSG, TYPE and AUTH files.
    Note: Connect:Direct does not support the extended addressability attribute in any of its VSAM control datasets. The following are Connect:Direct VSAM control datasets:
    • MSG
    • AUTH
    • TCQ
    • TCX
    • TYPE
    • CKPT
    • NETMAP
    • ACCESS
    • CONFIG
    • EVENT

Pervasive Encryption of Datasets

About this task

Pervasive encryption of the VSAM Control files can be done using the parameters below in the IDCAMS DEFINE of datasets.
Table 1.
Parameter Description
DATACLAS(dataclass) To ensure the VSAM data set is created with extended format, you must specify a data class that includes DSNTYPE(EXTREQ) in the IDCAMS DEFINE. Data class identifies the name, 1-to-8 characters of the data class for the new VSAM data set. A data class provides multiple optional allocation attributes for new data sets, including DSNTYPE.
KEYLABEL(keyvalue) Identifies the name, up to 64 bytes, of the key label to be used to encrypt the new data set.
For more information on Pervasive Encryption of datasets please refer the following mentioned links:
  1. Familiarize yourself with IBM Documentation on z/OS Cryptography. See the following:
  2. Ensure that you have set up the key labels to be used by IBM Connect:Direct. See the following:
  3. Ensure that the RACF® tasks to provide authority to create encrypted data sets and to provide access to the key labels are complete. See the following: