Building the Initialization Parameter File

New releases of IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS® often implement new initialization parameters. In addition, initialization parameters frequently become obsolete. IBM Connect:Direct detects parameters, which should be retired, and issues messages to NDMLOG. If you receive a return code of 4 when you stop IBM Connect:Direct, review the NDMLOG for a list of obsolete parameters. You must remove obsolete parameters to eliminate SITA995I messages.

About this task

IBM Connect:Direct processes initialization parameters during startup to specify alternate values for various parameters. The IBM Connect:Direct initialization module processes the file that contains these parameters.

Note: In addition to modifying initialization parameter files directly, use IBM Control Center to manage these parameters for a IBM Connect:Direct stand-alone server or the global and local initialization parameters for a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex.

You can create backup copies of the global and local initialization parameter files to use in an emergency situation if IBM Connect:Direct cannot successfully initialize after initparm updates have been applied.

You must define all initialization parameters that specify the IBM Connect:Direct VSAM file names except the optional $CD.STAT.ARCH.DIR parameter. Failure to take this step results in unpredictable behavior.

To specify your initialization parameters:


  1. Modify the parameters as required.

    Find sample initialization parameters in the DGAINT01 member of the $CD.SDGAPARM. Observe the following required or suggested values:

    • For initial installation and testing, specify SECURITY.EXIT=OFF in member DGAINT01. When IBM Connect:Direct security exits are installed, change the SECURITY.EXIT installation keyword. This change prevents any problems with user definitions until the basic installation is verified.
    • If you are using TCP/IP connectivity, you must specify TCP=OES. Also specify valid values for the TCP.LISTEN parameter.
    • The UPPER.CASE initialization parameter controls what case initialization console messages are displayed in. The default is UPPER.CASE=NO, which means that all console messages are displayed in upper and lower case. If you want to display all console messages in upper case, you must specify UPPER.CASE=YES (this parameter can be modified as an override parameter in the DGADINIT execute statement in the IBM Connect:Direct startup job stream as well).
    • If you generated the Test Configuration and successfully executed the DGAJNETL, then specify the NETDSN system file initialization parameter as the DSN created via the DGAJNETL job.
    Note: You can initialize IBM Connect:Direct if SNA support is not available. See Configuring IBM Connect:Direct without SNA Support.
  2. Specify VSAM file names.

    Specify all initialization parameters that indicate the IBM Connect:Direct VSAM file names. Locate following file names in the member DGACVDEF of the $CD.CNTL library:

    • $CD.AUTH
    • $CD.CKPT
    • $CD.MSG
    • $CD.NETMAP
    • $CD.STATS
    • $CD.TYPE
  3. Override the parameters during startup.

    Override parameters during startup by specifying the parameter and its value in the PARM keyword of the EXEC statement in the startup JCL. See Start IBM Connect:Direct for sample JCL that shows an override for the UPPER.CASE=NO initialization parameter.

    Note: If you are upgrading and have user exits in your IBM Connect:Direct installation, you must reassemble and link-edit those exits. For more information on user exits, see Using IBM Connect:Direct Exits in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide.