.EASERVER Node Security Feature Definition Worksheet

Use the following worksheet to record information to configure the remote node record for .EASERVER node. Refer to this worksheet when you configure the .EASERVER remote node record.

Remote Node Name: .EASERVER (Required)
TLS protocol enabled: Yes _____ No ______
SSL protocol enabled Yes _____ No ______
Note: You must enable either SSL or TLS to communicate with the External Authentication server.
External Auth Server Def ______________________________________________

Name of the certificate validation definition configured on the External Authentication Server that defines how to validate certificates. This parameter is case sensitive.

External Auth Server Address ______________________________________________

IP address of server for the External Authentication Server application

External Auth Server Port _______________________________________________

Number of the port to use to connect to the External Authentication Server

Client Authentication enabled: Yes _____
Client Authentication Common Name:

If client authentication is enabled, specify the certificate common name of the local node certificate in the Client Auth. Compare field.

Certificate Label: _______________________________________________

You can type an asterisk (*) in the Certificate Label field to default to the local node record.

Certificate Pathname

key database or key ring


You can type an asterisk (*) in the Certificate Pathname field to default to the local node record.