IBM Control Center Director Support

Control Center Director installs, upgrades and applies maintenance to Connect:Direct through a Connect:Direct Agent instance.

Control Center Director uses Certificate-based authentication to authenticate itself to a Connect:Direct server. For more information on how to configure Connect:Direct and Control Center Director for Certificate-Based Authentication see the following sections:

Configuring Connect:Direct for Server and Upgrade Management

About this task

Control Center Director upgrades and applies maintenance to Connect:Direct through a Connect:Direct Agent instance.

To successfully move to a Connect:Direct version that supports a Control Center Director deployment, there are a few scenarios to consider. Review the actions below to optimize your update experience:
  • Download the required maintenance version of Connect:Direct software. For more information go to Fix Central.
  • Certificate-based authentication is enabled when you install and configure Connect:Direct Secure Plus for UNIX.


  1. Configure the Agent listening port that Control Center Director will use to communicate with the Agent.
    agent.port=<port> [Default:1365]
    The Agent is now set to automatically listen for incoming connections from Control Center Director.
    Attention: With multiple Connect:Direct instances on the same system you’re likely to run into port conflict issues unless you allocate a unique Agent listening port per instance.

    It is also recommended that having upgraded an instance, its unique port number must be applied before upgrading the next instance. This prevents potential errors that you could encounter during an upgrade process due to port conflict.

  2. Configure the Control Center Director Open Server Architecture (OSA) URL, the target location where Agent posts all the events to Control Center Director.;//<ip/hostname;port>/osa/events/post:
    Note: Ensure that you insert a ';' and not a ':' between hostname and port and after https.
  3. Set the following property to enable Agent to post all events to Control Center Director .
  4. Set the following property to allow Connect:Direct to automatically start the agent.
    For more information on how to upgrade a Connect: Direct server for UNIX from Control Center Director, see Deployment Management.

Configuring Connect:Direct for License Governance

Set the following parameters (initparms) to automate license metrics collection from Connect:Direct for UNIX.

Table 1. Initialization Parameters
Parameter (initparm) Possible Values


  • Premium
  • Standard
  • Solo
  • Default: Blank (undefined)


  • Production
  • Non-Production
  • Default: Non-Production


A non-negative integer
  • The license.pvu parameter is only applicable for Connect:Direct Premium licenses
  • This value can be calculated using the IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT) or it can be looked up at the IBM Processor Value Unit licensing website.
  • Default: 0
Note: All three Initparms are required, but can be unset and a user does not have to supply a value.
Solo license edition type constraints:
  • A warning message is logged if the number of Netmap entries in netmap.cfg exceeds 2.
  • A warning message is logged when a transfer is initiated with third or later remote entry, in order of appearance.

  • The number of concurrent sessions is restricted to 2 or fewer

Configuring Connect:Direct after New Install

You can initiate the fresh installation of Connect:Direct servers from the Control Center Director. Once new installation of Connect:Direct server is done from Control Center Director, set the following parameters(initparms) in the install.agent record of the initparm.cfg file:

Table 2. Initialization Parameters
Parameter (initparm) Definition Possible Values


Use to enable/disable the agent

  • y (Default)
  • n

Use to connect Connect:Direct Agent with Control Center Director.
  • blank (Default)
  • URL


Allows disabling OSA without deleting
  • blank (Default)
  • y
  • n


Identifies the Connect:Direct installation package installed by Control Center Director Informational only, managed by CCD.

Configuring Connect:Direct for Custom Locations of Connect:Direct Backups and Installation Programs

Use the following parameters to set the Connect:Direct, Agent backup and installer locations to be used before an upgrade.

Table 3. Initialization Parameters
Parameter (initparm) Definition Possible Values

Set this parameter in backup.locations initparm record to specify the location where backup of Connect:Direct will be stored before an upgrade.

  • Any path on the system.
Note: The path should be an absolute path, not same as installation directory. It should not be a sub directory of <installation directory> or agent.backup path.


Set this parameter in backup.locations initparm record to specify the location where backup of Install Agent will be stored before an upgrade.

  • Any path on the system.
Note: The path should be an absolute path, not same as installation directory or cd.backup path. It should not be a sub directory of <installation directory> or cd.backup path.


Set this parameter in backup.locations initparm record to specify the location where installer will be stored, which can be used during emergency restore.

  • Any path on the system.
Note: The path should be an absolute path.


Set this parameter in install.agent initparm record to specify the location of installer download during upgrade via Control Center Director.

  • Any path on the system.
Note: The path should be an absolute path.