Accessing IBM Connect:Direct Messages

The IBM® Connect:Direct® message file contains records with text for all messages, including errors and messages from IBM Connect:Direct servers other than the host server. You can add and delete message records with a text editor. The message file resides in d_dir/ndm/cfg/cd_node/msgfile.cfg. You can display message text with the ndmmsg command.

Message File Content

The message file is structured much the same way as other IBM Connect:Direct configuration files. Each record is a logical line in a text file that consists of one or more physical lines. Each record has a unique name, a message ID, and fields that make up the message text.

The message record definitions provide for symbolic substitution, which permits including actual file names or other variable information within the text to more specifically identify a problem. Symbolic variables begin with the ampersand character (&).

The format of IBM Connect:Direct message IDs is listed in the following table:



X Indicates IBM Connect:Direct
xxx is a 3-character IBM Connect:Direct component identifier
nnn is a 3-digit decimal number
I is the standard, though not required, suffix

Message File Record Format

The following example shows the format of the message file record. Each record can be up to 4K bytes long. Optional parameters and values are in brackets.

message id [long.text detailed message explanation] [ issuing module name] short.text 
message summary

Following are the parameters for the message file record:

Parameter Description Values
long.text A string that explains the message in detail. A text string The name of the source module issuing the message ID. Source module name
short.text A summary of the message. This field is required. Summary message, up to 72 characters

The following example illustrates a sample message record for XCPS008I:

:short.text=File is not VB datatype.:\
:long.text=File is not variable block. Change sysopts datatype to\
either binary or text to transfer this file.\
\nSYSTEM ACTION-> the copy step failed and CD processing\
continued with the next process step.\
\nRESPONSE-> change the sysopts datatype to either\
binary or text.:\

Displaying Message Text

Use the ndmmsg command to display text in the message file. You can display both short and long text.

The following command illustrates the format for ndmmsg:

ndmmsg -f msgfname [-l | -s] msgid1 [msgid2 [msgid3 [...]]]

Following are the parameters for the ndmmsg command. If you do not specify an l or s parameter, both short and long text are displayed.

Parameter Description

Specifies the name of the message file.


Displays the long text of a message.


Displays the short text of a message.

Following is a sample ndmmsg command:

ndmmsg -f /usr/ndmunix/msgfile.cfg XCMG000I

Output from the command is displayed in the following example:

short.text=CMGR RPC call returns NULL
long.text=The ndmapi_sendcmd RPC call made by the API to the CMGR returns a
NULL pointer.There is probably an RPC error.ndm.action=None
user.action=First, check if the ndmcmgr is still running; it could have
been killed accidently.If so, then abort the current CLI and restart the
CLI.  If the same problem occurs again, try to increase the value of wait
time (if set) in the API configuration file (ndmapi.cfg).