Debug Settings
Use the following debug settings with the:
- DEBUG=nnnnnnnn initialization parameter
- BITS.ON=X'nnnnnnnn'
- BITS.OFF=X'nnnnnnnn'
- MODIFY command parameters
- NODE.TRACE.BITSON=(node name,X'nnnnnnnn')
- NODE.TRACE.BITSOFF=(node name,X'nnnnnnnn')
For each debug bit turned on for trace using any of the above mentioned methods a new database statistic record type is generated and recorded to diagnose problems and record events. The audit trail can be viewed using the INQUIRE DEBUG command as described the procedures in the following sections.
Example Database Statistic Record Output
This following record displays old and new DEBUG Bits. Note that the mode using which the DEBUG
bits were modified that generated this record.
The following table shows the available function traces for IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS®, with their respective DEBUG settings, and the DD names (or filenames) used for output. Specify these bits using hexadecimal notation, for example, X'80' plus X'10' would result in X'90' while X'08' plus X'04' would result in X'0C'.
DEBUG Setting | Trace Type | Output DD |
80000000 | COPY Routine and RUN TASK trace | RADBDD01 |
08000000 | Session manager trace | RADBDD05 |
04000000 | Separate trace per task (Example: “R0000005” to trace TASK 5) |
Rnnnnnnn |
02000000 | API session trace | RADBDD07 |
01000000 | DMGCBSUB trace | RADBDD08 |
00400000 | TCQSH from DMCOPYRT | DMCOPYRT |
00200000 | Make each SVC dump unique | N/A |
00100000 | SECURITY trace control | SECURITY |
00040000 | GETMAIN/FREEMAIN trace | RADBDD16 |
00008000 | I/O buffer trace | RADBDD21 |
00004000 | WTO all dynamic allocation parameters | RADBDD22 |
00002000 | IBM Connect:Direct/Plex traces | |
ACTION queue manager trace | CDPLXACT | |
CKPT queue manager trace | CDPLXCKP | |
TCQ queue manager trace | CDPLXTCQ | |
STATS queue manager trace | CDPLXSTA | |
First REQUEST queue manager trace | CDPLXREQ | |
Second and subsequent REQUEST queue manager trace. For example, “CDPLXR03” traces the third queue manager. | CDPLXRnn | |
JOIN queue manager trace | CDPLXJOI | |
00001000 | Workload Balancing trace | CDPLXWLB |
00000800 | zIIP-related trace | CDZIIP |
00000100 | In-storage tracing only Note: The size of this
in-storage table is controlled by the TRACE.BUFFER initialization
N/A |
00000080 | RPL trace - long Note: To avoid generating excessive
output when you use this trace with a large value for the V2.BUFSIZE
initialization parameter, use the short RPL trace.
00000040 | RPL trace - short | RPLOUT |
00000020 | Version 2 session trace | RADBDD33 |
00000008 | Logon exit trace | RADBDD35 |
00000004 | Logon Processor trace | RADBDD36 |
00000002 | SCIP exit trace | RADBDD37 |
00000001 | SNMP trap trace | SCTRAPDD |