The following JCL samples are provided in $CD.SDGASAMP:
- DGAXTQF1, which runs DGADTQFX in Rebuild TCX mode. DGADTQFX will create new TCQ and TCX data sets and print a detailed report.
- DGAXTQF2, which runs DGADTQFX in Use TCX mode. DGADTQFX will use the current TCX data set to indicate the existence of TCQ Processes. The program will print a summary report.
- DGAXTQF3, which runs DGADTQFX in BACKLEVEL mode. DGADTQFX will create new TCQ and TCX datasets and print a summary report. Processes larger than 64 KB are removed.
The following sample shows part of the JCL within $CD.SDGASAMP library member DGAXTQF1.
You can accomplish tasks depending upon which DD statements are present in the batch JCL:
- If TCXOUT is present, Rebuild TCX mode is requested; otherwise, Use TCX mode is requested.
- If TCQINRPT is present, an input TCQ report is generated; otherwise, it is not.
- If TCQOUT is present, a new TCQ is created; otherwise, it is not. You can therefore analyze and report on the input TCQ without creating any data sets.
Note: TCQOUT and TCXOUT must both be pre-allocated empty VSAM data sets.