Starting and stopping File Agent

Starting File Agent

Follow these steps to start file agent:
  1. Open JCL utility DGAFASTA which resides in $CD.SDGASAMP.
  2. Provide values for the following input parameter:
    • FADIR - Absolute Directory Path where File Agent is installed.
    For example, for File Agent located on path /u/FileAgent :
    //** User Inputs:
    // SET FADIR='/u/FileAgent'
  3. Submit DGAFASTA JCL. File Agent execution will start.

Stopping File Agent

Follow these steps to stop file agent:
  1. Open JCL utility DGAFASTO which resides in $CD.SDGASAMP.
  2. Provide values for the following input parameter:
    • FADIR - Absolute Directory Path where File Agent is installed.
    For example, for File Agent located on path /u/FileAgent :
    //** User Inputs:
    // SET FADIR='/u/FileAgent'
  3. Submit DGAFASTO JCL. File Agent execution will stop.