Installing File Agent

About this task

Following these steps to install Integrated File Agent.


  1. Open JCL utility DGAFAINS which resides in library $CD.SDGASAMP.
  2. Provide values for following input parameters:
    • FADIR - Absolute Directory Path where File Agent will be installed
    • CDAPIADR - Connect:Direct API Listen TCP/IP Addr or Host name
    • CDPORT - Connect:Direct API Listen Port
    • CDUID - Connect:Direct User ID
    • CDPWD - Connect:Direct User password
    • FAUNAME - File Agent Unique Name
    • CDVER – Connect:Direct Version.
    For example, for File Agent with unique name ‘CD File Agent’ to be installed on path /u/FileAgent and connected to Connect:Direct 6.3 version Node with API Listen TCP/IP address, port 2222, user-id ‘user1’ and password ‘xxxxxxx’
    //** User Inputs:
    // SET FADIR='/u/FileAgent'
    // SET CDAPIADR=''
    // SET CDPORT='2222'
    // SET CDUID='user1'
    // SET CDPWD='xxxxxxxx'
    // SET CDVER='6.02.00'
    // SET FAUNAME='CD File Agent'  
    Note: Ensure that the user ID used for installing File Agent is the same as user ID, which starts the Connect:Direct. Otherwise, there may be access related issues during Connect:Direct initialization.
  3. Submit DGAFAINS JCL.
    File Agent will be installed.