Job Stream Definitions

The following table defines the parameters and SAS options for the sample job stream.

Report Field Definition
JOBCARD INFO Specifies the typical job card information. Use the COND=(0,NE) for best results. This means that the second step of the job does not run if an error occurs in the first step.
DGADBATC Specifies the program name of the IBM® Connect:Direct® batch interface.
STEPLIB Specifies the library containing the IBM Connect:Direct load modules.
DMPUBLIB Specifies the library containing the IBM Connect:Direct Processes.
DMMSGFIL Specifies the IBM Connect:Direct message data set that accesses the messages.
TEMPDSN Specifies the temporary data set containing the extract from the IBM Connect:Direct statistics file that is used as input to SAS. This is always specified as (NEW, PASS) so that when you create the data set, the extracted data is saved in it, and then passed on to the next step.
DMPRINT (Optional) Specifies where the job output from DGADBATC goes. This is useful if an error occurs in DGADBATC.
SYSPRINT Specifies where the job execution messages goes.
SYSIN Contains the IBM Connect:Direct control statements to extract from the statistics file. Represent SYSIN as a sequential data set, PDS member, or instream data set.
SASTEP Specifies the name of the SAS cataloged procedure used at your installation with the following options:

DQUOTE specifies that the system accepts double quotes.

MACRO specifies that the SAS macro library is available.

MACROGEN specifies that the system can print SAS macros.

MERROR specifies that a warning message is produced if a name is prefixed with a percent sign to indicate a SAS macro, but the name is not a valid SAS macro.

MISSING specifies that dashes (-) are inserted when a numeric character is missing in the report field.

WORK Specifies the work area used by SAS for processing.
NDMX0001 Specifies the temporary data set that contains the extract from the IBM Connect:Direct statistics file. Specify the data set parameters (OLD, DELETE) so that the data set is deleted automatically after processing.
DMMSGFIL Specifies the name of the IBM Connect:Direct message data set.
SASPROGS Identifies the name of the data set containing the SAS routines to produce the reports. See %INCLUDE parameter in this table.
FT20F001 Specifies the DD statement used by SAS to route output. This DD statement can be either output to a data set or SYSOUT class. If it is to a data set, you must preallocate the data set, it must be sequential, and have the following attributes:


SYSIN Specifies SYSIN for SAS.
%INCLUDE Contains a special SAS control statement that enables you to execute SAS programs that are stored separately from their JCL. The first name after SASPROGS identifies the DD name that references the location of the SAS programs. The requested ARS report routine names are placed inside of the parentheses:

DGAACTIV specifies the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Activity Report

DGAAEXEC specifies the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS PDS Copy Report

DGAARUNJ specifies the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Run Job Report.

DGAARUNT specifies the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Run Task Report.

DGAASEC specifies the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Security Violations Report.

DGAASUB specifies the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Submit Within a Process Report.

DGAASUM specifies the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Summary Report.