Selecting a Task through the IUI

About this task

You must select the appropriate output for the SELECT TASK report. You can either display (in report or operator table format) or print the report.


  1. Select option TS from the Administrative Options Menu.

    The SELECT TASK screen is displayed.                       SELECT TASK                               hh:mm
     CMD ==>
                                                                           CMD: OPR
            P ... PRINT REPORT    D ... DISPLAY REPORT
       SERVER => ________
  2. Select one of the following display types.
    Option Description
    D Displays the report on your screen and is captured in the TMPDSN specified in the SIGNON defaults of the user.
    O or OPR Displays the report to your screen in the operator table format.
    P Sends the report to a printer.
    Note: If you are running in a IBM® Connect:Direct®/Plex environment, type the member name on which you want to perform the SELECT TASK in the SERVER field. If you leave this field blank in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex environment, the SELECT TASK is performed on the IBM Connect:Direct/Manager. If you are running in a IBM Connect:Direct/Stand-alone Server environment, leave this field blank.
  3. Press ENTER.
    • If you selected Display from the Select Task screen, the following screen is displayed:
      COMMAND ===>                                        SCROLL ===> CSR
      ******************************* TOP OF DATA  *************************
                  SELECT TASK for C:D/Plex Manager
       TASK TASK           XMIT          PNAME/
        ID  NUM  STATE     STATE                   PNUM
        M   001  INACTIVE
        T   002  TIMER
        A   003  INACTIVE
        Z   004  INACTIVE
        C   005  MISC I/O
        F   006  INACTIVE
        U   007  SUBTASK   TCP MAIN TAS
    • If you selected the operator table format, the following screen is displayed:

      -------------------------------OPERATOR TABLE--------------      Row 1 to 20 of 22
      ==>                                                               SCROLL ===> PAGE
                    M      1        INACTIVE
                    T      2        TIMER
                    A      3        INACTIVE
                    Z      4        INACTIVE
                    C      5        MISC I/O
                    F      6        INACTIVE
                    U      7        SUBTASK     TCP MAIN TAS
                    U      8        ST RUNNG    TCP ACCEPT
                    D      9        SUBTASK     TCP MAIN TAS
                    D      10       API RUN     TCP ACCEPT
                    O      11       INACTIVE
                    I      13       VTAM I/O    RECEIVE     SJONES2
                    I      14       RUNNING                 BSMITH1
                    W      12       TIMER
                    Q      37       WAIT4WRK
                    Q      38       WAIT4WRK
                    Q      39       WAIT4WRK
                    Q      40       WAIT4WRK
                    Q      41       WAIT4WRK
                    Q      73       WAIT4WRK

    You can perform the following operations from the Operator Table:

    • Type F next to the task ID to flush and suspend nonsystem tasks.
    • Type P to suspend a task.

    Refresh the OPERATOR TABLE screen by typing Q line and pressing ENTER.