Hardware and Software Requirements

Hardware and software requirements for IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS® are in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Configuration Guide and the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Program Directory. Connect:Direct Secure Plus requires the same hardware and software and the additional software listed in the following table.

Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent must be installed in the UNIX System Services component of z/OS and configured to communicate with the IBM Connect:Direct server. Use a PC for terminal emulation to create a configuration file. Additional Sterling Connect:Direct File Agent requirements include:

Component or Functionality Software
IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS
  • One or more online zIIP processors to use the zIIP Exploitation feature
  • One or more online zEDC accelerators to exploit the zEDC feature
  • Two or more online FBA LUNs defined on an IBM DS8000 Series Storage Server, to exploit the zFBA feature
Connect:Direct Secure Plus for z/OS
  • TCP/IP connection to use the SSL or TLS protocol
  • IBM SystemSSL toolkit
  • IBM Language Environment
  • For Secure Plus, ICSF FMID HCR77A0 or higher is required unless cryptographic coprocessors are available. If coprocessors are available, any ICSF level supported by the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS release is accepted.

  • For TLS 1.3, z/OS 2.4 or higher is required
Connect:Direct File Agent
  • Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE). Download the J2SE from the IBM web site
  • 31-bit JVM (Java Virtual Machine)