IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Non-PDS Copy Report
The IBM® Connect:Direct® for z/OS® Non-PDS Copy Report provides information about COPY steps involving these transfers:
- Non-PDS data set <--------> Non-PDS data set
- Non-PDS data set <--------> PDS data set member
- PDS data set member <--------> Non-PDS data set
Following is an example of the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Non-PDS Copy Report.

This report includes all NonPDS COPY step transmissions for a specified time period. The ARS software sorts COPY information for each SNODE by user ID and then in ascending order by Process number. The following table contains a description of the report fields.
Report Field | Descriptions |
NODE | IBM Connect:Direct node where the statistics file is examined |
USERID | IBM Connect:Direct user ID |
PROC # | IBM Connect:Direct Process number |
PROC NAME | IBM Connect:Direct Process name |
STEP NAME | Name (or label) assigned to a COPY step |
mm/dd/yyyy | Date COPY step began executing |
PNODE | IBM Connect:Direct primary node |
SNODE | IBM Connect:Direct secondary node |
TRANSMISSION TIME | Elapsed time between the COPY step start and the COPY step completion |
COMPLETION CODE | IBM Connect:Direct completion code in hexadecimal format |
MSG ID | IBM Connect:Direct message ID |
message | Short message for IBM Connect:Direct message ID |
SRC DSNAME | Source data set name |
DEST DSNAME | Destination data set name |
REPORT FIELD | Description of report |
SENDING NODE | Name of node sending the data set |
RECEIVING NODE | Name of node receiving the data set |
BYTES READ | Number of bytes read by sending node |
BYTES WRITTEN | Number of bytes written by receiving node |
BLOCKS READ | Number of blocks read by sending node |
BLOCKS WRITTEN | Blocks written by receiving node (either blocks or records is displayed) |
RECS READ | Number of records read by sending node |
RECS WRITTEN | Number of records written by receiving node |
BYTES SENT | Number of bytes sent by sending node |
BYTES RECEIVED | Number of bytes received by receiving node |
COMPRESSION% | Compression percentage for sending data set |
COMPRESSION% | Compression percentage for receiving data set |
VOLSER | Sending volume serial number |
VOLSER | Receiving volume serial number |