Using the TCQ/TCX Repair Utility (DGADTQFX)
The TCQ/TCX Repair Utility (DGADTQFX) can be used to help solve corruption problems related to the TCQ/TCX data sets.
Rebuild TCX mode, which creates a new TCX by using the current TCQ to indicate the existence of Processes.
Use TCX mode, which creates a new TCQ using the current TCX to indicate the existence of Processes. When upgrading from Connect:Direct releases prior to 4.4, using TCX mode is recommended.
Note: Use different names to distinguish the original and new TCQ/TCX data sets in case you need to go back and reuse the original data sets.
The DGADTQFX utility is rebuilding the TCX based on Processes that remain in the TCQ. The utility will determine the highest Process number in the TCQ and will set the next available Process number to the next number. It is possible for this utility to reuse Process numbers.
The Use TCX mode is recommended for TCQs associated with systems running versions of IBM® Connect:Direct® prior to Version 4.4. Prior to Version 4.4, completed Processes were retained in the TCQ and were not deleted.
The DGADTQFX program, located in $CD.SDGALINK, has one execution parameter for specifying the report type.
Parameter | Description |
Specify SUMMARY to produce a report at the Process level. Specify DETAIL to produce a report, which shows steps within each Process, such as RUN TASK, RUN JOB, SUBMIT, and COPY. Specify BACKLEVEL to create a TCQ and TCX for pre-version 4.6 Connect:Direct systems. Specify REMOVEPR to remove all Processes on the PR queue. |
Normally, you run DGADTQFX with IBM Connect:Direct shut down but you could run it in production. The data sets and reports created will be correct as long as no update activity to the input TCQ takes place while the utility executes. The program issues a warning message if the VSAM timestamp for the input TCQ is changed during execution.
The return codes associated with the DGADTQFX utility are described in the following table.
Return Code | Meaning |
0 |
No errors were found in the input TCQ |
4 | At least one error was found and removed or a warning message was issued |
8 | A severe error occurred during execution and the utility was terminated |
If errors were found and corrected when you ran the DGADTQFX utility, replace the original corrupted data sets in use with the new data sets created by DGADTQFX. To allocate the new data sets to IBM Connect:Direct, use IDCAMS ALTER or regenerate the network map