Using the CF IUI Option to Generate a COPY Process

The CF option of the Interactive User Interface (IUI) enables you to dynamically generate a COPY Process through fill-in-the-blank panels and submit it.

The Process generated through this option is a one-time only Process and and there are no facilities to save the Process.

The COPY FILE Menu of the CF option displays a series of screens that collect information to generate a SUBMIT PROCESS command. IBM® Connect:Direct® submits the predefined Process, COPYCF, with the appropriate command parameters and variable substitutions based on your input. You can use four screens to create the COPYCF Process:

Screen Name Description
COPY FILE Menu Collects information for the SUBMIT COMMAND parameters, PNODE/SNODE information, data compression, and checkpoint information.
Security Override Menu Collects information about user ID, password, and accounting data. This optional panel is displayed only if you request it on the first panel.
SENDING FILE Menu Collects information for the Process variables for the sending file.
RECEIVING FILE Menu Collects the information for the Process variables for the receiving file.

The following diagram illustrates the relationship of these four screens.

See Validating Processes from the SB, DF, and CF IUI Options for details about how to validate the syntax of a Process with and without submitting it.