The Process Monitor Output
Each line in a Process Monitor is a summary record of the current status of the Process in the TCQ. Depending on the status of the Process or the step being executed, some fields may be blank. The lines are numbered sequentially. A "W" to the left of the sequence number indicates the Process has met the warning conditions you established.
The following information is displayed:
Field | Content |
Name | Process name. |
Number | Process number. |
Step Name | Process step name currently executing. |
Status | Current status of the Process. |
Queue | Logical queue where the Process is currently located (Execution, Hold, Wait, or Timer). |
Byte Count | Number of data bytes read or written. |
Submit Node | Node name from which the Process was submitted. |
Submitter | User ID of the person who submitted the Process. |
Pnode | Primary node in the Process. |
Snode | Remote or partner node in the Process. |
Message | Message associated with the current Process step. |
Source File | Name of the source file. |
Submit Date/Time | Date and time the Process was submitted. |
Schedule Date/Time | Date and time the Process was scheduled to be submitted. |
Retain | Identifies if the Process is to be retained in the TCQ for future submission. |
Function | Type of Process statement currently executing (COPY, RUNJOB, RUNTASK, SUBMIT). |
CC | Completion Code. 0—Success 4—Warning 8—Error 16—Severe error |
FDBK | Feedback code. |
Message Text | Message short text. |
Message Data | The substitution variables with their values for the short text. |
Log Date/Time | The date and time the Process record was created. |
Hold | The hold status of the Process. |
Class | Session class on which the Process is executing. |
Priority | TCQ priority of the Process. |
Local Node | Indicates whether the local node is the SNODE or the PNODE in the Process. |
From Node | Indicates whether the local or remote node is the FROM node in a COPY. |
Compression | Compression factor used in a copy step |
Checkpoint Restart | Indicates use of checkpointing in a copy step. |
Restart | Indicates whether the Process was restarted. |
Source Disp 1 | Source file disposition parameters. |
Source Disp 2 | Source file disposition parameters. |
Source Disp 3 | Source file disposition parameters. |
Record Count | Number of data records read or written. |
Xmit Bytes | Number of data bytes plus RU bytes sent |
Xmit RUs | Number of request/response units sent. |
Dest File | Name of the destination file. |
Dest Disp 1 | Destination file disposition parameters. |
Dest Disp 2 | Destination file disposition parameters. |
Dest Disp 3 | Destination file disposition parameters. |