Creating a Statistics Report
About this task
To create a statistics report:
- To view statistics, click Statistics.
- Click Filter icon on top right to add the filter to apply filters.
- To view statistics for all Processes executed over a specific
period of time:
- Select All Statistics for Last _ hrs.min.
- Enter the time period in hours and minutes.
- Click OK.
- To view only those Processes that meet certain criteria:
- Select Filter Using Selection Criteria Pages.
- Define the criteria on the remaining property pages.
- To view statistics based on step and Process completion only select Step and Process Completion Statistics Only.
- To refresh the monitor at specified intervals:
- Select Refresh every _ minutes.
- Type the interval in minutes (1–60).
- To view new statistics that were created since the Statistics Monitor was closed, select Refresh on open.
- To view the last statistic as it occurs, select Autoscroll.
- If necessary, select the node to monitor in the Node field.
- Click OK.