Setting Control Functions for a Command or Process
About this task
When you run a command or submit a Process, you can set many control functions to use as the default values for each new command or Process you define.
To set control functions for a Process from the Web Services:
- Click New Transfer > Build a transfer > Browse script to open process file.
- Under Override Options, click Control tab, change the bulleting accordingly for the rest.
- To specify a run date, select one of the following start
- Today—If you want the program to run today.
- Date—To specify a date to run the Process. Click the selection arrow and click a date on the calendar to specify the date.
- Day—If want to run the Process on a certain day; then select a day of the week from the drop-down box.
- To specify the time to run the task, select one of the
- Immediate—To run the Process immediately. This option is only available if you selected Today or Date in the Start Date field.
- Time—To run the Process at a specific time on the start date you selected. Type a time to start the Process in the format hh:mm:ss.
- To place the Process in the Hold queue, select one of the
following options in the Hold field:
- Yes—To hold the Process in the queue in Held Initially status (HI) until explicitly released.
- No—If you do not want to place the Process in the Hold queue. Process executes as resources are available.
- Call—To hold the Process until a connection is established between the PNODE and the SNODE. The Process executes if another Process establishes connection between the nodes.
- To place the Process in the Retain queue, select one of
the following options in the Retain field:
- Yes—To retain the Process in the Hold queue in Hold Retain status (HR) after execution. You can release the Process later from the Process Monitor.
- No—If you do not want to retain the Process after execution.
- Initial—To retain the Process in the Hold queue in HR status for automatic execution every time the Process Manager initializes. Do not specify a start time with this option.
Note: If you select Yes for RETAIN and you specify a start time, HOLD status takes precedence. If you set HOLD to No or Call, and set RETAIN to Yes, HOLD is ignored. - If you are sending Processes to a location that supports CD Plexclass, type the class value of the remote node, from 1 to 8 characters, in the Plexclass field.
- In the CRC field, select one of
the following options:
- Blank—To use the default value for the Process that was configured in the Initparms and the Netmap entry for the remote node.
- OFF—To turn off CRC checking.
- ON—To turn on CRC checking.
- To change the TCQ priority, type a value in the Priority field from 1 to 15, where 15 is the highest priority.
- To change the preferred session class, type the preferred session class in the Class field, from 1 to the maximum local sessions defined in the network map.
- Type the user ID in the Notify Userid field.
- Click OK to close the dialog box or click one of the other tabs to continue modifying Process options.