The CHANGE PROCESS command has the following format and associated parameters. Required parameters and keywords are in bold print.
Label | Command | Parameters |
(optional) | CHange PROCESS | WHERE ( NODE= node name | (list)
PNAME= name | (list) PNUMber= number | (list) SUBmitter= (node name, user ID)|(list) ) CASE= Yes | No CLASS= n DEBUG= trace bits DEST= destination node HOLD= Yes | No | Call NETMAP.REFRESH PLEXCLASS=(pnode class, snode class) PRTY= n RELEASE RESTART= [NO | FIRST = volume sequence number | FIRST = SER = volume serial number | LAST = volume sequence number | LAST = SER = volume serial number | VOLCNT = n] RETAIN= Yes | No | Initial STARTT= ([date|day] [,hh:mm:ssXM]) |
The following table describes the parameters for the CHANGE PROCESS command:
Parameter | Description |
(NODE = node name | (list) PNAME = name | (list) PNUMber = number | (list) SUBmitter = (node name, user ID) | (list)) |
Specifies which Process(es) to change. Name multiple Processes in the command
using the selection criteria method described on Setting Selection Criteria
if you have to make similar changes to many Processes. This parameter is required. The selection subparameters are optional; however, you must specify at least one of NODE, PNAME, PNUMBER, or SUBMITTER. These subparameters are special in that they identify which Processes are selected for the change activity defined by the other parameters. |
NODE = node name | (list) | Specifies the snode or a list of snodes where the Processes to be changed are
running. If you specify a list of snodes, enclose them in parentheses separate each snode with a
comma. You can use this subparameter with the HOLD parameter to put all Processes on a node on hold if the node is unavailable, or if problems exist with the node. You can restart all Processes later using the RESTART parameter with the NODE= subparameter. |
PNAME = name | (list) | Specifies the name of the Process to be changed or a list of Process names enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. This parameter is optional. |
PNUMber = number | (list) | Specifies the number of the Process to be changed or a list of Process numbers enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. The range is 1-99999. |
SUBmitter = (node name, user ID) | (list) | Specifies the node name and user ID of the user that submitted the Process to be changed. Specify a list of SUBmitter IDs by enclosing the IDs in parentheses and separating them by commas. |
CASE = Yes | No | Specifies whether parameters associated with accounting data, user ID, password, and data set name are case sensitive. The designation refers only to the command, not to the Process itself. See Indicating Case Sensitivity for a general overview of case sensitivity. This parameter is optional. |
CLASS = n | Determines the node-to-node session on which a Process executes. Consult your IBM® Connect:Direct® administrator for instructions concerning which class to specify. The range is 1-255. This parameter is optional. |
DEBUG= trace settings for this Process | Specifies the 8-position trace setting for this Process. This parameter enables
you to specify a trace for only this Process. The table on Building, Modifying, and Submitting Processes lists
acceptable trace values. This parameter is optional. Note: This option can generate a large amount of
output and should be used with caution.
DEST = destination node | Specifies a new destination node. This parameter changes the node that this Process communicates with. This parameter is optional. |
HOLD = Yes | No | Call | Specifies whether or not the Process is placed in the hold queue. This parameter
is optional. Yes specifies that the Process remains in the hold queue until one of the following events occurs:
When you specify both HOLD=YES and a STARTT value, the HOLD specification takes precedence. Therefore, IBM Connect:Direct places a Process submitted with HOLD=YES on the hold queue even if you specified a start time. No specifies that IBM Connect:Direct does not place the Process in the hold queue, but places it in the WAIT for execution queue (EX). HOLD=NO is the default. Call specifies that IBM Connect:Direct is to place the Process in the hold queue until a session is established with the specified SNODE. This session could be established by either another Process starting on the PNODE destined for the same SNODE or the SNODE contacting the PNODE. For example, a Process submitted HOLD=NO establishes a session and causes execution of any Processes residing on the SNODE destined for this node that are submitted with HOLD=CALL. Note: IBM Connect:Direct ignores the HOLD parameter if RETAIN=Y. |
NETMAP.REFRESH | Refreshes the network map for Processes waiting execution in the Wait queue,
after an UPDATE NETMAP command is issued for this node. (For a description of the UPDATE NETMAP
command, see the IBM
Connect:Direct for z/OS®
Administration Guide and search on Maintaining the Network Map. This parameter is optional. Do not use the NETMAP.REFRESH parameter if the network map protocol is changed (for example, changing a node from LU0 to LU6.2). If you change the protocol for a particular node, you must delete and resubmit all waiting Processes for that node. |
PLEXCLASS = (pnode class, snode class) | Specifies the class that directs the Process to only certain servers in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex. This parameter does
not apply to a IBM Connect:Direct
Stand-alone Server. This parameter is optional. You can designate each server in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex to support only certain PLEXCLASSes through the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. You can then limit Processes to only those servers by specifying the PLEXCLASS in the Process definition. The pnode class controls which IBM Connect:Direct Server runs the Process. The snode class controls what other node is used with the Process. The pnode class and snode class are each 1-8 characters long. An asterisk (*) indicates that the Process runs on any server with an asterisk designated in the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. If you do not specify a PLEXCLASS, the network map is checked for a default PLEXCLASS. If the network map does not specify a default PLEXCLASS, then an asterisk is used as the default. If a Process must run on a specific IBM Connect:Direct Server, specify the IBM Connect:Direct Server name in this field. The Process only runs on that server. |
PRTY = n | Specifies the Process priority in the Transmission Control Queue. High numbers indicate high priorities; low numbers indicate low priorities. IBM Connect:Direct uses this priority only for Process selection; it does not affect the priority during transmission. The default is set by the PRTYDEF global initialization parameter. The range is from 0-15. This parameter is valid for LU0 only. This parameter is optional. |
RELEASE | Releases the Process for execution from the queue where it is currently residing. Either specify RELEASE or omit it. Releases or RELEASE=no is not valid. This parameter is optional. |
RESTART = [NO | FIRST = volume sequence
number | FIRST=SER=volume serial number | LAST = volume sequence number | LAST = SER = volume serial number | VOLCNT = n] |
Specifies the conditions for restarting an interrupted Process. Use the CHANGE PROCESS command to cause IBM Connect:Direct to restart a data transmission at the last checkpoint position taken before the interruption or at a previous checkpoint position. IBM Connect:Direct restarts the copy step at the position you specify. This parameter is optional. NO specifies that the copy step restarts at the beginning of the transmission. FIRST=volume sequence number specifies that the copy step restarts at the beginning of the volume designated by the volume sequence number. FIRST=SER=volume serial number specifies that the copy step restarts at the beginning of the volume serial given. LAST=volume sequence number specifies that the copy step restarts at the end of the volume designated by the volume sequence number. LAST specifies that the copy step restarts at the last block on the volume if the output is disk or the last checkpoint on the volume if the output is tape. LAST=SER=volume serial number specifies that the copy step restarts at the end of the volume serial given. LAST specifies that the copy step restarts at the last block on the volume if the output is disk or the last checkpoint on the volume if the output is tape. VOLCNT=n specifies that the volume count on the interrupted copy step is changed to the value specified. You can use this parameter to increase the number of output volumes if the copy step is interrupted because the volume count of that step is too small. |
RETAIN = Yes | No | Initial | Specifies whether or not IBM Connect:Direct keeps a copy of the Process
in the HOLD queue after the Process has executed. This parameter is
optional. Yes keeps a copy of this Process in the HOLD queue after the Process executes. The copy of the Process does not execute until you release it through a CHANGE Process command. If RETAIN=YES is specified, IBM Connect:Direct automatically holds the Process until you release it, unless you include the STARTT parameter in your Process. Use RETAIN in conjunction with STARTT to cause a Process to run repeatedly at a given interval. No specifies that IBM Connect:Direct is to delete the Process after execution. The default value for RETAIN is NO. Initial specifies that IBM Connect:Direct is to execute the Process every time IBM Connect:Direct is initialized. Do not code the STARTT parameter with the RETAIN=I parameter. |
STARTT = ( [ date | day] [,hh:mm:ssXM ]) |
Specifies that the Process not execute until a specified date or time. See SUBMIT Command for a complete explanation of the STARTT parameter. This parameter is optional. When changing the date, day, or hh:mm:ssXM, you must respecify even the values that do not change. You cannot specify TODAY or TOMORROW for the day subparameter. |