TCP.API.TIMER = 00:00:00 | hh:mm:ss

This parameter specifies the maximum time of session inactivity a TCP/IP connected IUI or API session waits before timing out and exiting. The default value of 00:00:00 indicates that no timer is used. The effective range is 00:20:00–02:00:00 (20 minutes–2 hours).

If you are using Control Center to monitor your Connect:Direct® for z/OS® server, set this value to at least twice the value of the Monitor Rest Time setting in Control Center.

Note: It is recommended that you set the value for the TCP.API.TIMER parameter to at least one minute greater than the wait timeout value set for IBM system management facilities (SMF) to avoid problems when restoring migrated data sets. For information on the TIMEOUT parameter, see Signing On to IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS in IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS User Guide.

Modifiable through MODIFY INITPARMS command: YES