This parameter specifies whether to requeue Processes which ABEND, such as an x37, or with a return code greater than 4, or to allow any subsequent steps to run, or go to Process termination.
Value | Description |
YES | Places the Process in the hold queue if it did not end with any of the errors
listed above but ABENDed with a return code greater than 4 and one of the following is true:
YES is the default value. |
NO | Executes the remaining steps in a Process following a failed COPY STEP, but the failed COPY STEP is not requeued. If REQUEUE is specified on a PROCESS or SUB statement, it overrides the initialization REQUEUE specification. |
This parameter is only effective if checkpointing is in use. REQUEUE only applies to the PNODE, or submitting side that has Process control.
REQUEUE is not effective under any of the following conditions:
- Session error caused the Process to terminate
YES places the Process in the hold queue if it did not end with any of the errors listed above but ABENDed with a return code greater than 4 and one of the following is true:
- The PROCESS or SUBMIT command has REQUEUE = YES
- Neither the PROCESS nor the SUBMIT command has REQUEUE specified, but REQUEUE = YES is specified in the initialization parameters
- The data set on the PNODE side is a tape data set
If a dynamic allocation error occurs, the Process goes to ALLOCATION RETRY. When the specified number of allocation retries is exhausted and if REQUEUE = YES is specified, the Process is placed in the hold queue with a status of HO RA (HO = Held by Operator; RA = Held for Restart Due to Allocation Error).
If the Process is ABENDed, the status on the hold queue is HE (hold/error). If the Process received a return code greater than 4, the status is RH (restart/held).
Modifiable through MODIFY INITPARMS command: YES