Connect:Direct for z/OS Process Parameters


specifies whether aliases are copied when their associated member names are copied. The default is ALIAS=Y.

Guidelines for alias entries when ALIAS=Y follow:

  • If the name specified in the SELECT parameter is a true member name, that member is sent and any of its aliases are sent unless they are specified in the EXCLUDE parameter. If the R subparameter of the SELECT parameter is specified, it also applies to the aliases.
  • If the name specified in the SELECT parameter is an alias, any other aliases plus their associated true member are sent unless they are specified in the EXCLUDE statement. If the R subparameter of the SELECT parameter is specified, it applies to the true member and the other aliases sent.
  • If the true member name is specifically excluded and any of its aliases are selected, a completion code of 4 results. When copying a PDS with aliases but no corresponding true members, IBM® Connect:Direct® software does not copy the aliases and returns a completion code of 4.

Guidelines for alias entries when ALIAS=N follow:

  • If the name specified in the SELECT parameter is a true member name, only the member is sent.
  • If the true member name is also specified and if the name specified in the SELECT parameter is an alias, then the directory of the alias that is specified is sent. If the R subparameter is specified, it must be used with the true member name or it results in a completion code of 4. No entry is then made for that alias.
  • If the true member name has not been specified and if the name specified in the SELECT parameter is an alias, then it results in a completion code of 4, and no entry is made for that alias.
AVGREC = U | K | M

requests that the data set be allocated in records. The primary and secondary space quantities represent number of records requested in units, thousands, or millions of records. This parameter is mutually exclusive with the TRK/CYL subparameter of the SPACE parameter. This parameter is only valid on systems with SMS support.

For platforms other than z/OS: All SMS parameters must be specified as subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

  • U specifies a record request where primary and secondary space quantities are the number of records requested. The value of the primary space request is a multiple of 1.
  • K specifies a record request where primary and secondary space quantities are the number of records requested in thousands of records. The value of the primary space request is a multiple of 1024.
  • M specifies a record request where primary and secondary space quantities are the number of records requested in millions of records. The value of the primary space request is a multiple of 1,048,576.
BUFND = number

specifies the number of I/O buffers VSAM will use for transmitting data between virtual and auxiliary storage. A buffer is the size of a control interval in the data component.

Valid values range from 1-510. The default is 2. Increasing this number generally improves I/O performance, but requires more memory.

CASE = Y | YES | N | NO

specifies whether parameters associated with accounting data, user ID, password, and data set name in the command and in the submitted Process are to be case sensitive. The default is NO.


determines the node-to-node session on which a Process can execute. If CLASS is not specified in the IBM Connect:Direct Process, it will default to the class value specified in the ADJACENT.NODE NETMAP record for the destination node (SNODE). Values range from 1-255.

CKPT = nK | nM

specifies the byte interval for checkpoint support, which allows restart of interrupted transmissions at the last valid transmission point, avoiding the need to restart transmission from the beginning. (K denotes thousands; M denotes millions.) A checkpoint value of zero stops automatic checkpointing.

Valid values are:

  • 1-2147483K
  • 1-2147M

IBM Connect:Direct converts the value to a block boundary, and a data transmission checkpoint is taken at that position.

Connect:Direct for i5/OS does not support checkpointing for versions prior to 1.4.00.

If DISP=MOD is specified on the COPY TO statement, checkpoint-restart is not possible; duplicate data would be difficult to detect.

Sequential files, VSAM files, and PDSs can be checkpointed. For PDS-to-PDS transmission, any value specified causes Connect:Direct for z/OS® to checkpoint each member. Note that sequential-to-PDS and PDS-to-sequential transmissions cannot be checkpointed.

Note: For sequential files, do not specify a CKPT value less than:

BLKSIZE  *  NCP  *  10 * # Stripes

where NCP is the number of buffers for reading data from or writing data to a sequential data set using BSAM and # stripes refers to striped extended-format data sets (see the NCP parameter for more information).

If the specified checkpoint interval is too small, it can significantly reduce transmission speed in the following ways:

  • The amount of data in an RU or packet may be reduced, thus increasing the number needed and with that the number of network I/O operations. In V2 (TCP and LU6.2) transmissions, the packet or RU count increases one for one with the number of checkpoints taken.
  • Sequential file I/O slows down because the average number of overlapping I/Os outstanding is reduced when checkpointing occurs too frequently.
COMPRESS [[PRIMEchar = X’40’ | X’xx’ | C’c’] | EXTended] | EXTended=(TYPE=(ZEDC | NOZEDC , ZIIP | NOZIIP)

specifies that the data is to be compressed, reducing the amount of data transmitted as the file is copied from one node to another. The file is automatically decompressed at its destination. The default subparameter for the COMPRESS parameter is PRIMEchar=X’40’. COMPRESS PRIMEchar is used for text data or single-character repetitive data.

Note: Compression is CPU-intensive, and its effectiveness is data dependent. It should only be used if its benefits are known.

If compression is specified, IBM Connect:Direct reduces the amount of data transmitted based on the following rules:

  • Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 2-63) of the primary compression character are compressed to 1 byte.
  • Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 3-63) of any other character are compressed to 2 bytes.
Note: If the SNODE is B2B Integrator, only COMRESS EXT is supported.

PRIMEchar specifies the primary compression character. The default value for PRIMEchar is a blank (X’40’).

EXTended converts repetitive strings in the data into codes that are transmitted to the remote node. These codes are converted back to the original data string by the remote node during decompression. Specify this parameter when line transmission bandwidth is limited and CPU cycles are available.

Compression consumes significant CPU resources. To avoid performance degradation in your production environment when changing extended compression parameter settings, review Testing the Effects of Changing Values for Extended Compression Parameters in the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS User Guide for information on the CDSACOMP offline utility. This utility can help determine if changing the extended compression parameters’ default values at the global level or overriding them at the Process level will significantly improve your system performance.

The following are options for EXTended:

  • CMPrlevel determines the compression level. The valid value range is 1-9. Level 1 is the fastest compression and usually provides sufficient compression. The default is 1.
  • WINdowsize determines the size of the compression window or history buffer. This memory is above the line. The valid values are 8-15. Higher windowsize specifications increase the degree of compression and use more virtual memory. Size 8 uses 1 KB of memory. Size 15 requires 128 KB of memory. The default is 13.
  • MEMlevel identifies how much virtual memory (above the line) is allocated to maintain the internal compression state. The valid value range is 1-9. Level 1 requires the least memory (1 KB). Level 9 requires the most memory (256 KB). The default is 4.

The following example shows one way to specify the various EXTended options in a COPY statement:

                 MEM=8 )

specifies the type of comparison to be performed. This condition checking can be based on comparisons for equality, inequality, greater than, less than, greater than or equal to, and less than or equal to.

The completion code from RUN JOB is for the job submission only. It is not the completion code of the job submitted.

Valid symbols, alternate symbols, and conditions follow:

  • = or EQ specifies that the completion code must be equal to the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
  • <> or ¬= or NE specifies that the completion code must not equal the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
  • >= or ¬< or GE specifies that the completion code must be greater than or equal to the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
  • > or GT specifies that the completion code must be greater than the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
  • <= or ¬> or LE specifies that the completion code must be less than or equal to the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.
  • < or LT specifies that the completion code must be less than the value nn for the condition to be satisfied.

identifies the statement with all its parameters as the COPY statement. This statement identifier is specified with either the FROM or TO parameter, whichever is specified first.


Provides an override of the initial CRC setting in the initialization parameters. This value is ignored if the initialization parameter does not allow for overrides. This parameter is only valid for TCP/IP transfers. The default is OFF.

DATACLAS = data-class-name

requests the data class for a new data set. The class selected must have been previously defined by the SMS administrator. This parameter may be used with VSAM data sets, sequential data sets, or partitioned data sets.

For platforms other than z/OS: All SMS parameters must be specified as subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

data-class-name is the 1-8 character name of the data class to which this data set belongs. The name of the data class is assigned by the SMS administrator. The user should contact the SMS administrator for a valid list of the available data classes.

You can use data-class-name=$$$$$$$$ to propagate a data class from an input file to the receiving node and to the output data set. When DATACLAS is propagated, the DCB and SPACE attributes are ignored.

DATAEXIT = exit-name | (exit-name[ ,parameter,...])

indicates that a user-written program is to be called. This exit is similar to the I/O Exit except it does not require the same I/O management. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide for instructions on writing Data exits.

exit-name specifies the name of the user-written program that receives control for data requests.

parameter specifies a parameter, or list of parameters, to be passed to the specified exit. For valid parameter formats, refer to the parameters described in the RUN TASK Statement chapter.

DCB =([model-file-name]
[,BLKSIZE = no.-bytes ]
[,NCP] = no. of buffers for BSAM data transfers
[,DEN = 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4]
[,DSORG = PS | PO | DA | VSAM]
[,KEYLEN = no.-bytes]
[,LIMCT = no.-blocks-or-tracks]
[,LRECL = no.-bytes]
[,OPTCD = W | Q | Z]
[,RECFM = record-format]
[,RKP = first-byte-position-of-record-key]
[,TRTCH = C | E | T | ET | COMP | NOCOMP])

specifies attributes to be used in allocating source and destination files. For existing source and destination files, DCB attributes are determined from the operating system unless specified. For a new destination file, the DCB attributes of the source file are used to allocate the destination file unless DCB information is provided in the Process.

model-file-name specifies a model data set control block (DSCB).

BLKSIZE specifies the length in bytes of the block. The maximum length depends on the device type. For most device types, the maximum length is 32,760 bytes, although Connect:Direct for z/OS supports a maximum length of 262,144 bytes for certain tape drives.

If you specify a block size other than zero, there is no minimum requirement for block size except for variable format data sets that have a minimum block size of 8. However, if a data check occurs on a magnetic tape device, any block shorter than 12 bytes in a read operation, or 18 bytes in a write operation, is treated as a noise record and lost. No check for noise is made unless a data check occurs.

BLKSIZE=0 allows the operating system to derive the block size. The system does not derive a block size for old or unmovable data sets, or when the RECFM is U. If the BLKSIZE remains 0 when the data set is opened, the Process fails with an SVSG005I message.

NCP (number of channel programs) specifies the number of buffers for reading data from or writing data to a sequential data set using BSAM. The default is 0, which lets the system determine the value and usually produces the best throughput results. The maximum is 255. When the number of BSAM buffers is greater than 1, IBM Connect:Direct interleaves BSAM and network I/O to maximize throughput. For more information on BSAM data processing, see Performance Tuning in the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide.

Note: Here are some additional points you may need to know for your environment:

The NCP value may be limited by the MAXSTGIO initialization parameter. For more information on the MAXSTGIO initialization parameter, see Chapter 16. Global Initialization Parameters in the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide.

When LU0 is used and checkpointing is requested, IBM Connect:Direct sets NCP to 1 (see the CKPT parameter for more information.)

If the TAPEIO initialization parameter is set to EXCP, the NCP value is ignored and only one buffer is acquired with the storage occurring below the line.

DEN specifies the magnetic tape mode setting. The values for the DEN parameter for 7- and 9-track tape are shown in the following table. When specified together, the DEN and TRTCH values are used to select a tape device for allocation by IBM Connect:Direct.

DEN 7-Track Tape 9-Track Tape
0 200 bpi -
1 556 bpi -
2 800 bpi 800 bpi (NRZI)

NRZI is Non-Return-to-Zero Inverted recording mode

3 - 1600 bpi (PE)

PE is Phase Encoded recording mode

4 - 6250 bpi (GCR)

GCR is Group Coded Recording mode

DSORG specifies the file organization. Supported file organizations are PO, PS, DA, and VSAM.

KEYLEN specifies the length of the keys used in a file. The maximum length in bytes is 255.

LIMCT specifies the blocks or tracks searched to find a free block or available space.

LRECL specifies the record length in bytes.

Note: When using RECFM=V or RECFM=VB type files, the LRECL value must be at least the size of the largest record in the file plus 4 bytes. If RECFM=V, the BLKSIZE value must be at least the LRECL value plus another 4 bytes. If RECFM=V, the BLKSIZE value does not need to be an even multiple of LRECL.

An entry-sequenced file coming from HP NonStop to an IBM PS/VB file must be specified with an LRECL 4 bytes larger than the HP NonStop file. This is specified on the COPY TO statement to account for a 4-byte-length area required on the IBM file but not required on HP NonStop.

When you are performing an MBCS conversion between two z/OS nodes, the receiving file LRECL must be larger than the sending file LRECL, due to possible data length increase during conversion and to avoid an SVSJ032I error during the Copy. Making the receiving file LRECL 10% larger than that of the sending file is usually adequate.

OPTCD specifies optional processing associated with this file. This specification only applies to this file and is not automatically applied to the other files involved in the COPY operation. Valid options are as follows:

  • W performs write validity checks on direct access storage devices.
  • Q performs ASCII-to-EBCDIC conversion for input files and EBCDIC-to-ASCII conversion for output files. Note that Q is the default and is only used for AL-labeled tape files.
  • Z performs reduced error recovery for tape files.

RECFM specifies the format of the records in the file. Any valid record format, such as F (Fixed), FA (Fixed ASA printer control), FB (Fixed Block), FBA (Fixed Block ANSI carriage control), FM (Fixed Machine code control character), U (Undefined), V (Variable), VB (Variable Block), VBA (Variable Block ASA printer control), VBM (Variable Block Machine code control character), VS (Variable Spanned), and VBS (Variable Block Spanned), can be specified. For FDR volumes and DFDSS files, you must specify RECFM=U on the FROM parameter.

Note: When transmitting VBS and VS files to a non-370 platform, the record descriptor word (RDW) is transmitted to the receiving node.

An OpenVMS file with a record format of undefined (U) cannot be copied to z/OS.

When performing an MBCS conversion on a file created on a z/OS receiving node, you must specify the file record format (RECFM) as V (Variable), VB (Variable Block), or U (Undefined). If RECFM=VB, BLKSIZE for the output file must be at least as large as LRECL +4.

RKP specifies the position of the first byte of the record key within each logical record. The beginning byte of a record is addressed as 0.

TRTCH specifies the magnetic tape mode setting. When specified together, the TRTCH and DEN values are used to select a tape device for allocation by IBM Connect:Direct. Valid options are as follows:

  • C specifies data conversion, odd parity, and no translation.
  • E specifies no data conversion, even parity, and no translation.
  • T specifies no data conversion, odd parity, and BCD or EBCDIC translation.
  • ET specifies no data conversion, even parity, and BCD or EBCDIC translation.
  • COMP is a feature for 3480X tape drives only. It enables Improved Data Recording Capability (IDRC), which compresses the data. COMP overrides the system wide IDRC setting for no compression. If you are specifying COMP, you must also include a UNIT= parameter that specifies either 3480X or a systems-programmer-defined name equivalent to a 3480X tape drive.
  • NOCOMP overrides the system wide IDRC setting for compression. It applies to 3480X tape drives only.
DEBUG = trace bits

specifies the 8-position trace setting for the Process. This allows you to specify a trace for a specific Process. The following table shows the available function traces for Connect:Direct for z/OS, with their respective DEBU settings, and the DD names (or filenames) used for output. Specify these bits using hexidecimal notation. For example, X’80’ plus X’10’ results in X’90 and X’08’ plus X’04’ results in X’0E’.

DEBUG Setting Trace Type Output DD
80000000 COPY Routine and RUN TASK trace RADBDD01
08000000 Session manager trace RADBDD05
04000000 Separate trace per task (Example: “R0000005” to trace TASK 5) Rnnnnnnn
02000000 API session trace RADBDD07
01000000 DMGCBSUB trace RADBDD08
00200000 Make each SVC dump unique N/A
00100000 SECURITY Trace Control SECURITY
00008000 I/O buffer trace RADBDD21
00004000 WTO all dynamic allocation parameters RADBDD22
00002000 IBM Connect:Direct/Plex traces
ACTION queue manager trace CDPLXACT
CKPT queue manager trace CDPLXCKP
TCQ queue manager trace CDPLXTCQ
STATS queue manager trace CDPLXSTA
First REQUEST queue manager trace CDPLXREQ
Second and subsequent REQUEST queue manager trace. For example, “CDPLXR03” traces the third REQUEST queue manager. The number of REQUEST queue manager traces is based on the maximum number of servers from the asset protection (APKEY) file. CDPLXRnn
JOIN queue manager trace CDPLXJOI
00001000 Workload Balancing trace CDPLXWLB
00000100 In-storage tracing only. WARNING: If specified, all SYSOUT (except WTOs) goes to in-storage only. N/A
00000080 RPL trace - long RPLOUT
00000040 RPL trace - short RPLOUT
00000020 Version 2 session trace RADBDD33
00000008 Logon exit trace RADBDD35
00000004 Logon processor trace RADBDD36
00000002 SCIP exit trace RADBDD37
00000001 Extended dump Information ESTAE
DSN = dsn[(member)]

For a Submit statement, this specifies the name of the file that contains the Process. DSN specifies the file name and member name, if the Process resides in a PDS. If the Process is in a SAM file, only the file name should be given.

For a Run Job statement, this specifies the name of the data set containing the job to be submitted. If the file is a PDS, the member containing the job must be specified. The data set containing the job must already exist on the node where the job will be submitted.

Any JCL data set used as input for RUN JOB statements cannot have an LRECL greater than 254 bytes.

Values for the DSN parameter must be in the proper case for the node where they will be processed. For example, specify the value for DSN in uppercase letters when submitting a Process from UNIX that runs a job on z/OS.

For a Copy statement using Version 5.0 or later, DSN=NULLFILE may be used. NULLFILE is a dummy data set.


defines a specific data set organization for a sequential (BASIC or LARGE) or partitioned (LIBRARY or PDS) data set. The BASIC and LARGE parameters are only available for Connect:Direct for z/OS.

For platforms other than z/OS: The DSNTYPE parameter must be specified as a subparameter of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

  • LIBRARY specifies a partitioned data set extended (PDSE).
  • PDS specifies a partitioned data set.
  • BASIC specifies a sequential data set that cannot contain more than 65535 tracks per volume.
  • LARGE specifies a sequential data set which can contain more than 65535 tracks per volume.
  • EXTPREF specifies a data set where the extended attribute is preferred but not required. The data set is created whether the extended attribute is obtained through this parameter or another such as DATACLAS or LIKE.
  • EXTREQ specifies a data set which requires the extended attribute. If an extended format data set cannot be allocated, a data set is not created.

is required for specifying the end of the IF THEN or IF THEN ELSE block of statements. No parameters exist.


designates a block of IBM Connect:Direct statements that execute when the IF THEN condition is not satisfied. No parameters exist.

EXCLUDE = (generic | member | (start-range/stop-range) | list)

specifies criteria that identifies the PDS members that are not to be copied. The EXCLUDE parameter can be specified only in the FROM clause of the COPY statement. EXCLUDE allows the user to make exceptions to members specified generically or by range in the SELECT option.

Note: EXCLUDE cannot be used if a member name is specified as part of the FROM DSN or TO DSN.

generic specifies a generic member name. For example, if CDM* is specified, all member names beginning with CDM are excluded. The only way to override an excluded generic is to specify an individual member name in the SELECT parameter.

member specifies an individual member name. When a member is specified in the EXCLUDE parameter, its exclusion cannot be overridden.

start-range specifies the first name in an alphanumeric range of members. Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk (*). A slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. When used with the EXCLUDE statement, the first and last members specified in the range, as well as all members between, are not copied.

stop-range specifies the last name in an alphanumeric range of members. Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk (*). A slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. When used with the EXCLUDE statement, the first and last members specified in the range, as well as all members between, are not copied.

Note: The only way to override an excluded range is to specify an individual member name in the SELECT parameter.

list specifies a list of member names.


is used to bypass all remaining steps within a Process. No parameters exist.


specifies that the subsequent parameters and subparameters define the source file characteristics.

(FROM) DSN = data set name/password | FILE=filename

specifies the source data set name when used with the FROM parameter. Data set names are verified based on the standard z/OS data set name conventions. If the data set name does not follow z/OS naming conventions, enclose the data set name in single quotation marks.

Use the relative generation number when copying a Generation Data Group (GDG) data set. Using the relative generation number ensures that no data is lost because you can specify only one Generation Data Set (GDS) in a COPY step.

Also, you can submit a Process from a GDG using the relative generation number.

Note: DSN is optional when used with the IOEXIT parameter.

When FROM DSN=NULLFILE is specified, a null file is copied. The NULLFILE option must be accompanied by any DCB information for the output file on either the FROM or TO parameter of the COPY statement. At a minimum, a block size must be specified. This allows you to allocate a file using the COPY function by specifying a disposition of (NEW,CATLG).

If the source data set being copied from requires a password for read or the destination data set requires a password for write, the password may be specified in the COPY statement after the data set name. A slash (/) must follow the data set name and precede the password. This password is used at data set allocation. If it is not correct, z/OS issues a WTOR requesting the password when IBM Connect:Direct opens the data set. For example:

COPY FROM DSN=data-set-name/pwd...

If the data set is an HFS file, the filename must begin with a slash (/). The name is limited to a maximum of 255 characters. It does not have to be enclosed in quotes. For example:


specifies the status of the file and what is done with the file after notification of successful transmission. Subparameters are as follows:

First Subparameter specifies the status of the file prior to execution of the Process. This subparameter applies to all files. Options for this subparameter are as follows:

  • OLD specifies that the source file existed before the Process began executing and the Process is given exclusive control of the file.
  • SHR specifies that the source file existed before the Process began executing and that the file can be used simultaneously by another job or Process. The default is SHR.

Second Subparameter specifies the disposition of the file following a normal Process step termination resulting in a zero completion code. This subparameter applies to non-VSAM files. Valid source file dispositions are as follows:

  • KEEP specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step completes.
  • DELETE specifies that the system deletes the file after the Process step completes successfully.

Third Subparameter specifies the disposition of the file after an abnormal Process step termination resulting in a non-zero completion code. This subparameter applies to non-VSAM files. Valid source file dispositions are as follows:

  • KEEP specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step terminates abnormally or with a non-zero return code.
  • DELETE specifies the system deletes the file if the Process step terminates abnormally.

moves to a specific step within a Process.

HOLD = Y | YES | N | NO | CALL

specifies whether the Process is to be placed in the Hold queue at submission.

Y or YES specifies that the Process is submitted to the Hold queue and remains there until the operator explicitly releases the Process.

When both HOLD=YES and a STARTT value are specified, the HOLD specification takes precedence (a Process submitted with HOLD=YES is placed in the Hold queue even if a start time is specified).

Specifying both HOLD=YES and MAXDELAY=YES is not valid. The PROCESS statement returns message SCBI219I.

N or NO specifies that the Process is to execute as soon as possible. HOLD=NO is the default.

CALL specifies that IBM Connect:Direct is to place the Process in the hold queue until a session is established with the specified SNODE. This session is established by either another Process starting on the PNODE destined for the same SNODE or the SNODE contacting the PNODE. For example, a Process submitted with HOLD=NO establishes a session and causes execution of any Processes residing on the SNODE destined for this node that are submitted with HOLD=CALL.

Note the following:
  • IBM Connect:Direct ignores the HOLD parameter if RETAIN=Y.
  • When the SNODE is a Microsoft Windows operating system, a null or ENABLE Process is required from the Microsoft Windows operating system to release the held Processes. A normal send or receive of a file does not release them. This functionality enables those who dial in to send or receive files without executing held Processes until they are ready.

specifies that IBM Connect:Direct executes a block of statements based on the completion code of a Process step. The EIF statement must be used in conjunction with an IF THEN statement. A return code with the high order bit on is evaluated as a negative return code.

IOEXIT = exit-name | (exit-name[ ,parameter,...])

indicates that a user-written program is to be called to perform I/O requests for the associated data. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide for instructions on writing I/O exits.

exit-name specifies the name of the user-written program to be given control for I/O-related requests for the associated data.

parameter specifies a parameter, or list of parameters, to be passed to the specified exit. For valid parameter formats, refer to the parameters described in the RUN TASK Statement.


The label is a user-assigned 1-8 character alphanumeric string that identifies the statement.

Labels must begin in column one. The first character must be alphabetic.

For the IF THEN statement, the label specifies the name of a previous step whose completion code is used for comparison.

For the GOTO statement, the label specifies the name of a subsequent step in a Process (required for GOTO only). The name cannot be the label of a preceding step nor can it be the label of the GOTO statement of which it is a part.

LABEL =([file-sequence-number]
,[SL | AL | BLP | LTM | NL]
,[IN | OUT]
,[RETPD = nnnn | EXPDT = [yyddd | yyyy/ddd]])

specifies label information for the tape.

file-sequence-number specifies the relative file position on the tape.

The label type is designated as follows:

  • SL specifies IBM standard labels.
  • AL specifies American National Standard labels.
  • BLP specifies bypass label processing.
  • LTM specifies bypass leading tape marks.
  • NL specifies no labels.

PASSWORD specifies that a password must be supplied by the operator or user before the data set can be accessed.

NOPWREAD indicates that a password is not required to read the data set.

IN specifies that a BSAM data set opened for INOUT or a BDAM data set opened for UPDAT is to be read only.

OUT specifies that a BSAM data set opened for OUTIN or OUTINX is to be write only.

RETPD specifies the retention period for the data set in days, where nnnn is 1-4 digits.

EXPDT specifies the expiration date for the data set, where yyddd or yyyy/ddd is a valid Julian date.

Note: No slash is used in the 4-digit year EXPDT parameter of a process submitted on a UNIX or Microsoft Windows platform.
LIKE = model-data-set-name

requests that allocation attributes for a new data set be copied from an existing cataloged data set. Any or all of the following attributes are copied to the new data set: RECORG or RECFM, LRECL, KEYLEN, KEYOFF, DSNTYPE, AVGREC, and SPACE. Any attributes specified for the data set override the values from the model data set. Neither EXPDT nor RETPD are copied from the model data set.

For platforms other than z/OS: All SMS parameters must be specified as subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

model-data-set-name is the name of the data set from which the allocation attributes are copied.

LRECL = bytes

specifies the length, in bytes, of the records in the new data set. This parameter is valid for SMS VSAM data sets. LRECL must not be specified with RECORG=LS type data sets.

Note: When RECFM=V or RECFM=VB type files are used, the LRECL value must be at least the size of the largest record in the file plus 4 bytes. If RECFM=V, the BLKSIZE value must be at least the LRECL value plus another 4 bytes. If RECFM=V, the BLKSIZE value does not need to be an even multiple of LRECL.

For platforms other than z/OS: All SMS parameters must be specified as subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

bytes is the length of the records in the data set. For non-VSAM data sets, valid values range from 1-32760 bytes. For VSAM data sets, valid values range from 1-32761 bytes. The LRECL must be longer than the KEYLEN value for VSAM KSDS.

KEYLEN = bytes

specifies, in bytes, the length of the keys used in the file. This parameter is valid for SMS data sets. The value must be a decimal integer from 0-255 for non-VSAM data sets or 1-255 for VSAM data sets.

For platforms other than z/OS: All SMS parameters must be specified as subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

KEYOFF = offset-to-key

specifies the offset within the record to the first byte of the key in a new VSAM KS data set. The first byte of the record is byte 0.

For platforms other than z/OS: All SMS parameters must be specified as subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

offset-to-key is the position of the first byte of the key in the record. The value ranges from 0-32760.


indicates that the submit command waits until the submitted Process completes execution or the specified time interval expires. This parameter is optional. Do not use MAXDELAY for a submit within a Process—use only in SUBMIT commands.

If you use the MAXDELAY PROCESS statement keyword, you must specify ESF=NO or the message SCBI221I MAXDELAY not supported for ESF submits will display when the DTF is down and the Process will not submit.
Note: If the Process does not complete within the time interval specified by queued or hh:mm:ss, the API returns SSPA006I, RC=4 and DMBATCH terminates with RC=48 (x'30').

UNLIMITED specifies that the submit command waits until the Process completes execution. This is the default when no parameters are specified.

QUEUED specifies that the submit command waits until the Process completes or 30 minutes, whichever occurs first.

hh:mm:ss specifies that the submit command waits for an interval no longer than the specified hours, minutes, and seconds or until the Process completes, whichever occurs first.

0 specifies that the submit command attempts to start a session for the submitted Process to execute on immediately. If IBM Connect:Direct cannot establish a session, after all retries are exhausted, the Process is flushed and the submit command fails with the error SVTM118I RC=52(x'34').

If IBM Connect:Direct cannot establish a session after all retries are exhausted due to all available sessions on the remote node being in use, that is, when session attempts fail with error SVTM080I SESSION (nnn) REJECTED pname (pnum) SNODE=remote.node, the Process is flushed and the submit command fails with the error SVTM118I RC=12(x'0C').

MAXDELAY=0 Processes will not use the intelligent retry feature. When a transfer to a remode node times out and retries, subsequent transfers to the same remote node will also time out and retry rather than being added to the wait queue.

MGMTCLAS = management-class-name

determines the previously defined management class to which a new data set belongs. Available classes are determined and named by the SMS administrator. For example, attributes in this class can determine when a data set is migrated or backed up. The system Automatic Class Selection (ACS) routine can override this parameter.

For platforms other than z/OS: All SMS parameters must be specified as subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

management-class-name is the 1-8 character name of the management class to which a data set belongs. The name of the management class is assigned by the SMS administrator.

You can use management-class-name=$$$$$$$$ to propagate a management class from an input file to the receiving node and to the output data set.

MSVGP = MS-group-name

specifies the group of mass storage volumes that reside on a mass storage system (MSS) device. This must be a valid DD (data definition) name, ranging from 1-8 alphanumeric characters with the first character alphabetic.

NEWNAME = new-name

specifies the new name to be given to the Process. The default value is the label on the PROCESS statement.


specifies the numeric value to be used for comparison. If specified as X‘nn’, it is a hexadecimal value; any other coding is treated as a decimal.

Typically, if a completion code less than 4 is returned, the Process completed successfully. In most cases, a return code greater than 4 indicates the Process ended in error. A return code of 4 indicates a warning.


specifies that members of a sending PDS do not replace existing members of the same name at the receiving PDS. The NOREPLACE parameter takes effect only when the FROM and TO files are PDSs. The default is REPLACE. Note that NOREPLACE applies to an entire PDS as opposed to the NR option of the SELECT parameter, which applies to members within a PDS.

NOTIFY = %USER | userid

specifies that the user receives Process completion messages.

%USER specifies that the user on the host IBM Connect:Direct who submitted the Process receives the completion messages. If the IBM Connect:Direct user ID is different from the host user ID, the user is not notified.

userid specifies the TSO user ID that will receive Process completion messages.

NOTIFY is not supported across z/OS images in a sysplex environment.

PACCT = ‘pnode-accounting-data’

specifies the accounting data for the primary node (PNODE). The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. Enclose the string in single quotation marks if it contains special characters. This data overrides any accounting data specified on the SIGNON command and can be used by a user-written program or statistics exit.

PARM = (parameter [,parameter,...]) | SYSOPTS = “parameter [,parameter,...]”

specifies the parameters to be passed to the subtask when that subtask is attached. These parameters are the actual parameters rather than a list of addresses. Null parameters can be specified by adjacent commas.

You must use SYSOPTS in addition to PGM when submitting a Process from z/OS to run a program on UNIX. Values for the SYSOPTS parameter must be in the proper case for the node where the program is processed.

Do not use PARM on a RUN TASK Process submitted from a z/OS to run on a HP NonStop system using TCP/IP or LU6.2 protocol. Use SYSOPTS in place of PARM instead.

The actual format of the parameter list that is passed to the program consists of a 2-byte field, indicating the length of the parameter followed by the parameter itself. The valid data types for the PARM parameter follow.

CLn’value’ specifies a data type of character with a length of n, where n is the number of bytes. The length is optional. If it is not specified, the actual length of the value is used. If the length specified is less than the real value, the data is truncated. If the length specified is longer than the value, the value is padded with blanks on the right. For example, CL44’FILE.NAME’.

XLn’value’ specifies a data type of hexadecimal with a length of n, where n is the number of bytes. The length is optional. If it is not specified, the length of the value is used. If the length specified is less than the real value, the data is truncated. If the length specified is longer than the value, the value is padded on the left with binary zeros. For example, XL8’FF00’.

H’value’ specifies a halfword value. No length can be specified. The value can be specified with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If no sign is given, plus is assumed. For example, H’-32’.

F’value’ specifies a fullword value. No length can be specified. The value can be specified with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If no sign is given, plus is assumed. For example, F’4096’.

PLn’value’ specifies a packed value. The length is optional; if it is not specified, the length of the value is used. If the length specified is longer than the value, the value is padded on the left with zeros. The length specifies the size of the field in bytes and cannot be longer than 16. The value can be specified with a plus (+) or minus (-) sign. If no sign is given, plus is assumed. For example, PL10’+512’.

If no data type or length is specified, the parameter is assumed to be character type and the length of the parameter is used. For example, if PARM=(’FILE.NAME’) is specified, the length used is 9.

The parameter can also be specified as a symbolic value that is resolved when the Process is submitted. If a symbol is used, the parameter must be specified without a data type designation or length. For example, &PARM1.

When using strings that include symbolics, the strings must be enclosed in double quotes. If an ampersand (&) is to be passed as part of the parameter, then the data-type format must be used. For example, CL8’&PARM1’ uses no substitution; CL8"&PARM1" indicates that the value is substituted.

PDS.DIRectory = Y | N

specifies whether user-related information in the directory is sent.

If the PDS is a loadlib and PDS.DIR is set to NO, the directory information is lost and the modules are no longer executable.

PGM = program-name

specifies the name of the program to be attached as the subtask. The program runs on the node specified and has access to the DD cards allocated on that node only.

PLEXCLASS = (pnode class, snode class)

specifies the class that directs the Process to only certain servers in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex. This parameter is only used in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex.

Each server in a IBM Connect:Direct/Plex can be designated to support only certain PLEXCLASSes through the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. Processes can then be limited to only those servers by specifying the PLEXCLASS in the Process definition.

The pnode class controls which IBM Connect:Direct/Server runs the Process. The snode class controls what other node is used by the Process.

The pnode class and snode class are each 1-8 characters long. An asterisk (*) indicates that the Process will run on any server with an asterisk designated in the CDPLEX.PLEXCLASSES initialization parameter. If no PLEXCLASS is specified, the network map is checked for a default PLEXCLASS. If the network map does not specify a default PLEXCLASS, then an asterisk is used as the default.

If a Process must run on a specific IBM Connect:Direct/Server, specify the IBM Connect:Direct/Server name in the field. The Process will only run on that server.


For a Copy statement, this specifies the primary node, defining the direction of transfer (with SNODE). When PNODE is specified with the FROM parameter, a send takes place. When PNODE is specified with the TO parameter, a receive takes place. PNODE is the default for the FROM parameter.

For a Run Job statement, this specifies that the job is to be submitted on the primary node (PNODE), which is the node with Process control. PNODE is the default value.

For a Run Task statement, this specifies that the program will be executed on the PNODE, which is the default.

PNODE = primary-node-name | %PNODE

specifies the primary node to be used in the Process.

primary-node-name is a 1-16 character alphanumeric name that is defined in the network map. The name can be expressed in alphanumerics or nationals (@ # $), with embedded periods.

The node to which the Process is submitted is always the PNODE. This parameter defaults to the name of the node submitting the Process and need not be specified. It is used for documentation purposes only.

For more information about %PNODE, see the description for the &symbolicName1 Process parameter.

PNODEID = (id [,pswd] [,newpswd])

specifies security user IDs and passwords at the primary node (PNODE). This parameter should be used only to validate security with an ID different from the one you used to sign on to IBM Connect:Direct.

id specifies the security ID passed to the security system at the PNODE (1-64 alphanumeric characters).

pswd specifies the current security password (1-64 alphanumeric characters) for the specified ID. This parameter can be used by the security system at the PNODE to validate the current security password. The password is optional unless the user has security set to require a password.

newpswd specifies the new security password (1-64 alphanumeric characters). It can be used by the security system to change the current security password to the new security password.


identifies the statement with all its parameters as the PROCESS statement. This statement identifier can be abbreviated to PROC.

process name

specifies the name of the Process. The Process name must exactly match the member name under which it is stored in the Process Library PDS. Accordingly, every process name must be 1-8 characters in length, begin with an alphabetic character, and contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, @, #, -, and $. The Process name must start in column one. The PROCESS keyword must be on the same line as the Process name.

This label is used to find the Process in the Process Library and to identify the Process in any messages or statistics relating to the Process.

PRTY = nn

specifies the Process priority in the Transmission Control Queue (TCQ). The TCQ holds all Processes that have been submitted to IBM Connect:Direct. High numbers indicate high priorities; low numbers indicate low priorities.

This priority is used only for Process selection within class and does not affect VTAM transmission priority. The range is from 0-15. If PRTY is not specified, the default is the priority defined by the PRTYDEF keyword in the Connect:Direct for z/OS initialization parameters.


defines the organization of records in a new VSAM data set. If RECORG is not specified, then SMS assumes that the data set is either a physical sequential (PS) data set or a partitioned (PO) data set.

For platforms other than z/OS: All SMS parameters must be specified as subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

  • KS specifies a VSAM key-sequenced data set.
  • ES specifies a VSAM entry-sequenced data set.
  • RR specifies a VSAM relative record data set.
  • LS specifies a VSAM linear data set.

specifies that the sending PDS replaces members of the same name at the receiving PDS. REPLACE is the default.


specifies whether a COPY step should requeue if an x37 abend occurs during processing. This parameter is valid only if used when checkpointing.

Y or YES places the requeued Process in the Hold queue with a status of HELD IN ERROR (HE). Corrective action can be taken and the Process restarted with the failing step. Checkpointing resumes at the last successful checkpoint. The Process must be explicitly released from the Hold queue when the status is HELD IN ERROR (HE).

N or NO enables the Process to run to completion, executing subsequent steps when a COPY step fails with an abend (such as x37). The default is NO.

When MAXDELAY is specified, REQUEUE=NO is forced even if REQUEUE=YES is specified.


allows users to specify submit or execution time for resolution input GDGs. The parameter, valid only for input GDGs, is specified on the FROM clause of the COPY statement.

S or SUB specifies GDG resolution at Process submit time. Sub is the default.

If you specify GDG resolution at Process submit time, note the following conditions:

  • Before the submit, if you perform a single session cross-domain signon to another node or a multiple session signon to another node (for example, the API doing the submit is logged on to another DTF), GDG resolution occurs at execution time, regardless of the parameter specified on the PROCESS statement.

    It is possible that the API is running on a different system than the DTF or a GDG of the same name is on both systems and the wrong generation of the DTF GDG might be copied. This error can also occur if the GDG to be copied is not on shared DASD.

  • If the LOCATE for the data set fails at Process submit time, GDG resolution occurs at execution time.

R or RUN specifies GDG resolution at Process run or execution time within the DTF.


specifies whether or not the subtask is restarted if interrupted.


keeps a copy of the Process in the Hold queue after the Process executes.

Y or YES specifies the Process remains in the Hold queue after initial execution. The Process must then be released manually through the CHANGE PROCESS command to cause it to be executed, or explicitly deleted through the DELETE PROCESS command.

If RETAIN=YES is specified, the Process is held until released unless the STARTT parameter is specified. Use RETAIN with STARTT to run a Process repeatedly at an interval.

When a Process is submitted with RETAIN=YES and HOLD=NO or CALL, the HOLD parameter is ignored.

RETAIN=YES is ignored when MAXDELAY is specified.

N or NO specifies that the system deletes the Process after execution. The default value for RETAIN is NO.

INITIAL specifies that the Process executes every time IBM Connect:Direct initializes. Processes submitted with RETAIN=INITIAL do not execute when submitted. STARTT should not be specified with RETAIN=INITIAL.

RETAIN=INITIAL is ignored when MAXDELAY is specified.


identifies the statement with all its parameters as the RUN JOB statement.


identifies the statement with all its parameters as the RUN TASK statement.

SACCT = ‘snode-accounting-data’

specifies the accounting data for the SNODE. The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. Enclose the string in single quotation marks if it contains special characters. This data overrides any accounting data specified on the SIGNON command and can be used by a user-written program or statistics exit. This parameter is ignored when the SNODE is a Connect:Direct for i5/OS node.

SECMODEL = (profile-name [,GENERIC])

copies an existing Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) profile as the discrete profile for a new data set. The following information is copied along with the profile: OWNER, ID, UACC, AUDIT/GLOBALAUDIT, ERASE, LEVEL, DATA, WARNING, and SECLEVEL.

profile-name is the name of the model RACF profile, discrete data set profile, or generic data set profile to be copied to the discrete data set profile created for the new data set.

GENERIC identifies that the profile-name refers to a generic data set profile.

SECURE = (OFF | SSL | TLS10|TLS11|TLS12 | cipher_suite>|(cipher_suite_list),ENCRYPT.DATA=Y|N)
(for use in a PROCESS statement)

turns on security for a specific session by allowing you to select a protocol (SSL orTLS) and one or more ciphers when non-secure sessions are the default or turns off security when secure sessions are the default. In addition, you can specify the type of encryption you want performed. For more information, see the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus for z/OS Implementation Guide.

Parameter Definition



Depending on the option chosen, encrypts both the control block information contained in Function Management Headers (FMHs) and the files being transferred (ENC=Y) or encrypts only the FMHs (ENC=N).

The type of encryption chosen will be performed if:

  • The SNODE's remote node entry in its Connect:Direct Secure Plus file for this node specifies OVERRIDE=Y.
  • ENCRYPT.DATA must be the last (or only) value specified on the SECURE= parameter.
  • Both sides of the connection support ENCRYPT.DATA= for SSL/TLS.
OFF If the remote node in the Secure+ parameters file specifies OVERRIDE=Y, attempts to start the session as a non-secure session. The session will be successfully established if:
  • The SNODE has no remote node entry in its Secure+ parameters file.
  • The SNODE's remote node entry in its Secure+ parameters file for this node specifies that all Secure+ protocols are disabled.
  • The SNODE's remote node entry in its Secure+ parameters file for this node specifies OVERRIDE=Y.
SSL | TLS If the remote node in the Secure+ parameters file specifies OVERRIDE=Y, attempts to start the session as a secure session using the specified protocol.

The session will be successfully established if:

  • The SNODE's remote node entry in its Secure+ parameters file for this node specifies that the specified protocol is to be used.
  • The SNODE's remote node entry in its Secure+ parameters file for this node specifies OVERRIDE=Y.
,Cipher Suite Specifies the one cipher suite for IBM Connect:Direct to use when executing the Process overriding the cipher suite defined in the Secure+ parameters file, for example, SSL_RSA_WITH_3DES_EDE_CBC_SHA.
Note: If System SSL is in FIPS mode, only certain ciphers are valid. See the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Release Notes for a list of valid FIPS-mode ciphers.
,(Cipher suite list) Specifies a list of cipher suites for IBM Connect:Direct to use when executing the Process overriding the cipher suite defined in the Secure+ parameters file. The cipher list must be enclosed in parentheses and each cipher suite separated by a comma or space, for example, (TLS_RSA_AES_128_SHA,TLS_RSA_AES_256_SHA,
Note: If System SSL is in FIPS mode, only certain ciphers are valid. See the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS Release Notes for a list of valid FIPS-mode ciphers.

specifies whether to set data encryption (FMH control block information and file data being copied or FMH information only) using the SSL or TLS protocol. If both sides support ENCRYPT.DATA= for SSL/TLS, the PNODE governs whether the data is encrypted. For more information, see the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus for z/OS Implementation Guide.

ENCRYPT.DATA=Y|N or ENC=Y|N enables or disables copy file encryption. Default=Sterling Connect:Direct Secure Plus file value.

SELECT =(member | generic | (*) | (member, [newname]
,[NR | R]) | (generic,, [NR | R])
(start-range/stop-range,, [NR | R]) | list)

specifies selection criteria by which PDS members are to be copied. The SELECT parameter can be specified only with the FROM parameter.

Various specifications can be combined in a list after the SELECT parameter.

If SELECT is specified and EXCLUDE is not specified, all selected members are copied. If SELECT is not specified and EXCLUDE is specified, all members not excluded are copied.

generic specifies a generic member name. If CDM* is specified as either a parameter or subparameter, all member names beginning with CDM are selected for copying.

(*) represents a global generic. A global generic indicates that all members of the file are to be included. A global generic is valid only with the SELECT parameter.

When a generic is specified in the SELECT parameter, its selection can be overridden with any type of specification in the EXCLUDE parameter.

When using a generic and specifying NR or R, the second positional parameter (NEWNAME) must be null.

member specifies an individual member name. Note that specifying a member name in the DSN is the same as specifying a SELECT statement with only that member.

The only way to override a selection by member name is to specify that member name in the EXCLUDE parameter.

newname specifies a new name for a member. The NEWNAME parameter must be null, if a generic name or range is used in the first subparameter position.

NR specifies that a member does not replace an existing member of the same name at the receiving PDS. NR overrides the REPLACE parameter. R is the default.

When used with NEWNAME, NR applies to the NEWNAME and not to the original member name. When used with a generic name or with a range, NR applies to all members selected for that criteria.

Note: NOREPLACE applies to an entire PDS as opposed to NR, which applies to members within a PDS.

R specifies that a member replaces an existing member of the same name at the receiving PDS. R overrides the NOREPLACE parameter.

When used with NEWNAME, R applies to the NEWNAME and not to the original member name. When used with a generic name or with a range, R applies to all members selected for that criteria.

start-range specifies the first name in an alphanumeric range of members. Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk (*). A slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. When used with the SELECT statement, the first and last members specified in the range, as well as all members between, are copied.

stop-range specifies the last name in an alphanumeric range of members. Although member names in a range are treated as generics, they cannot be used with an asterisk (*). A slash (/) separates the first (start-range) and last (stop-range) member names. When used with the SELECT statement, the first and last members specified in the range, as well as all members between, are copied.

When a range in the SELECT parameter is specified, its selection can be overridden with any type of specification in the EXCLUDE parameter.

The second positional parameter (NEWNAME) of SELECT must be null when using a range and specifying NR or R.

list specifies a list of selected members.

SNODE = secondary-node-name | SNODE = TCPNAME = tcpvalue;port | SNODE = UDT33NAM = udtvalue;port

specifies the secondary node in the Process.

Note: The default SNODE value is the value specified in the Process statement. The Process statement value can be overridden by the SNODE value specified in the SUBMIT command. If SNODE is specified in the Submit command, it is not required in the Process statement.

secondary-node-name is a 1-16 character alphanumeric name that is defined in the network map. The following characters are allowed:

A-Z, 0-9, !, @, #, $, %, &, {, }, +, -, and ^

Connect:Direct for z/OS does not accept the following characters for the adjacent node:

(, ) =, \, ", ', <, >, |, ||

Use SNODE=TCPNAME=tcpvalue or SNODE=UDT33NAM=udtvalue to specify TCP/IP or UDT connections that are not defined in the IBM Connect:Direct network map. tcpvalue or udtvalue can be a DNS name up to 255 characters or a 15-character IPv4 or 39-character IPv6 TCP/IP address. A TCP/IP default entry is required in the network map if a Process uses SNODE=TCPNAME= but is not required with SNODE=UDT33NAM=.

You can specify a port number by appending a semicolon followed by a 1-5 character port number. If you do not specify a port number, IBM Connect:Direct uses the port number from the TCP.IP.DEFAULT entry of the network map. If you do not specify a port number with the udtvalue, the default port value of 1366 is used.

If the DNS cannot fit on one line, concatenate it with the double-pipes (||) character. For example:

          WONT.FIT.ON.ONE.LINE                                        -
            HOLD=NO                                                   -

If you use SNODE=TCPNAME=tcpvalue ir SNODE=UDT33NAM=udtvalue, Processes in HO WC status do not automatically restart when the node becomes available and another Process is submitted to that node. However, if SNODE = secondary-node-name is used, Processes in HO WC status restart, automatically.


For a Copy statement, this specifies the secondary node, defining the direction of transfer (with PNODE). When SNODE is specified with the FROM parameter, a receive takes place. When SNODE is specified with the TO parameter, a send takes place. SNODE is the default for the TO parameter.

If you do not specify either the PNODE or SNODE parameter, the file is sent from the PNODE to the SNODE.

For a Run Task statement, this specifies that the subtask will be attached on the secondary node (SNODE), which is the destination node. The program must exist in a load library allocated to IBM Connect:Direct on the specified node.

For a Run Job statement, this specifies that the job is to be submitted on the secondary node (SNODE), which is the node that interacts with the PNODE.

SNODEID = (id [,pswd] [,newpswd])

Specifies security user IDs and passwords at the SNODE.

For z/OS and UNIX, each value can be 1-64 alphanumeric characters. For other operating environments, each value can be 1-8 alphanumeric characters, unless otherwise noted.

For Connect:Direct for i5/OS, if the SNODEID and password is not specified in the PROCESS statement, Connect:Direct for i5/OS uses the user ID and password of the Process submitter for the security ID and password check.

id specifies the security ID passed to the SNODE security system.

For Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, this subparameter specifies the HP NonStop group number and user number. These numbers can range from 0-255. When specifying an HP NonStop value, you must use a period (.) as a separator between the group number and the user number.

For Connect:Direct for i5/OS, this subparameter specifies the i5/OS user profile used for authorization checks during Process execution and is limited to 8 characters.

If the SNODE DTF can authenticate using a PassTicket password, then specifying an SNODE user ID override without password override results in the creation of a PassTicket password. The creation of a PassTicket by the PNODE depends on proper information in the PNODE Authorization File and the appropriate creation of the PNODE stage 2 Security Exit. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide for more information about the Authorization File and the stage 2 Security Exit.

pswd specifies the current security password and can be used by the security system on the SNODE to validate the current security password. The password is optional unless the user has security set to require a password.

newpswd specifies the new security password and can be used by the security system to change the current security password to the new security password.

For Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, SAFEGUARD must be running on the HP NonStop.

This subparameter is ignored for Connect:Direct for i5/OS.

SPACE =(CYL | TRK | blk | av-rec-len, (prim , [sec] , [dir]) , [RLSE] , [CONTIG], [ROUND])

specifies the amount of storage to be allocated for new files on the destination node. If SPACE is specified, the DISP of the destination file must be NEW. If SPACE is not specified in the Process or the TYPE file, and the DISP is NEW, the output file is allocated as follows:

  • If no secondary space allocation exists on the input file, then the primary amount of space allocated (rather than used) is used to allocate the NEW output file.
  • If secondary space exists on the input file, then space used (rather than allocated) is used to allocate the output file and it is allocated with secondary extents.

If the AVGREC parameter is also specified in the TO clause of the COPY statement, the allocation of the data set is done on a record size basis instead of TRK, CYL, or blk. The TRK, CYL and blk subparameters are not valid when the AVGREC parameter is specified in the COPY TO statement.

Valid choices for this parameter are as follows:

  • CYL specifies that space will be allocated by cylinder.
  • TRK specifies that space will be allocated by track.
  • blk specifies that space will be allocated by the average block length of the data. The system computes the number of tracks to be allocated. If the subparameter ROUND is also specified, the system allocates the space in cylinders. ROUND is preferred because allocation is performed on cylinders in a device-independent manner. If no space information is specified, allocation is in blocks, due to device dependencies.
  • av-rec-length specifies the average record length, in bytes, of the data. The system computes the BLKSIZE and the number of tracks to allocate. The record length must be a decimal value from 1-65535.
  • prim specifies the primary allocation of storage (number of units).
  • sec specifies the secondary allocation of storage (number of units).
  • dir specifies the number of PDS directory blocks to be created in the file.
  • RLSE specifies the release of the unused storage allocated to the output file.
  • CONTIG specifies that the storage for the primary allocation must be contiguous.
  • ROUND specifies that the storage allocated by average block length is rounded to an integral number of cylinders.
STARTT = ([date | day] [,hh:mm:ssXM])

specifies that the Process will execute at a selected date or time. The date, day, and time are positional parameters. If you do not specify date or day is not specified, precede the time with a comma.

Do not specify STARTT with RETAIN=INITIAL.

If you specify both HOLD=YES and a STARTT value in a Process, the HOLD specification takes precedence, and the Process is placed in the Hold queue.

date specifies that the Process starts on a specific date. Depending on the value of the DATEFORM initialization parameter, you can specify the date in one of the following formats:

DATEFORM Value Formats
DATEFORM=MDY (default) mm/dd/yy mm/dd/yyyy mm.dd.yy mm.dd.yyyy
DATEFORM=DMY dd/mm/yy dd/mm/yyyy
DATEFORM=YMD yy/mm/dd yyyy/mm/dd
DATEFORM=YDM yy/dd/mm yyyy/dd/mm

You can omit the period or slash separators for transfers between mainframe nodes.

If you only specify a date, the time defaults to 00:00.

If you specify RETAIN=YES, you cannot specify a date in the STARTT parameter.

Valid Julian date formats are yyddd, yyyyddd, yy/ddd, yyyy/ddd, yy.ddd, or yyyy.ddd.

day specifies the day of the week to release the Process for execution. Valid names include MOnday, TUesday, WEdnesday, THursday, FRiday, SAturday, and SUnday. You can abbreviate the day value to the first two characters.

If the day of the week is specified with RETAIN=YES, the Process executes the same day every week. If only day is specified, the time defaults to 00:00. Therefore, if a Process is submitted on Monday, with Monday as the only STARTT parameter, the Process does not run until the following Monday.

You can also specify TODAY, which releases the Process for execution the day and time of Process submission (unless the time of day is specified), or TOMORROW, which releases the Process for execution the next day.

hh:mm:ssXM indicates the time of day the Process will be released in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss). XM can be set to AM or PM.

You can specify the time of day using the 24-hour clock or the 12-hour clock. If you use the 24-hour clock, valid times are from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00. If you do not use AM and PM, the 24-hour clock is assumed.

If you use the 12-hour clock, 01:00:00 hours can be expressed as 1:00AM, and 13:00 hours can be expressed as 1:00PM.

If you specify hh:mm:ssXM with RETAIN=YES, the Process executes at the same time every day. You do not need to specify minutes and seconds.

You can also specify NOON, which releases the Process for execution at noon, or MIDNIGHT to release the Process for execution at midnight.

STORCLAS = storage-class-name

Specifies the storage class to which a new data set is assigned. The storage class name must be previously defined to the SMS system. Storage class defines a storage service level for the data set and replaces the UNIT and VOLUME parameters for SMS data sets. None of the attributes in the storage class can be overridden by JCL parameters, and an ACS routine can override the specified class.

For platforms other than z/OS: All SMS parameters must be specified as subparameters of the SYSOPTS parameter. SYSOPTS is a mechanism that allows you to pass system-specific parameters between platforms. See the COPY statement of the appropriate platform for syntax requirements for the SYSOPTS parameter.

storage-class-name is the 1-8 character name of the storage class to which the data set is assigned. These names are defined by the SMS administrator.

You can use storage-class-name=$$$$$$$$ to propagate a storage class from an input file to the receiving node and to the output data set.


identifies the statement with all its parameters as the SUBMIT statement.


Specifies the node where the Process defined in this SUBMIT statement will execute. Specifying PNODE means that the Process is submitted on the node that has Process control. Specifying SNODE means that the Process is submitted on the node participating in, but not controlling, Process execution. In both cases, the Process must reside on the node where it is being submitted. The default is PNODE.

SUBNODE=SNODE is not valid if communicating with a node running Connect:Direct for i5/OS.


identifies the statement with all its parameters as the SYMBOL statement.

&symbolicName1 = variable string 1
&symbolicName2 = variable string 2
&symbolicNamen = variable string n

Specifies the default value for a symbolic parameter in the Process. The value is substituted within the Process when the symbolic parameter is encountered. You can override this default in the SUBMIT command.

The symbolic_name parameter must begin with an ampersand. The maximum length of &symbolic_name (including the ampersand) is 9 characters. The maximum length of the variable-string is 256 characters.

Do not use identical symbolic_names. Enclose any parameters containing special characters in single quotation marks.

Note: Depending on how you use a variable string, you may need to include bracketing characters. This situation is often required when a SYSOPTS string is sent as a symbolic parameter and must be enclosed in quotation marks.

For example, to transfer a file to a UNIX system using a symbolic variable, you would type the SYSOPTS clause as follows:


In this example, what the Process states:


resolves to:


Connect:Direct for z/OS provides the following intrinsic symbolic variables that you can use to substitute user-defined values when a Process is executed. This flexibility lets you use the same Process for multiple applications when these values change.

Value Description
%DD2DSN Specifies an allocated DD statement, which references a DSN to be passed to a Process being submitted (for Connect:Direct for z/OS)
%JDATE Specifies the date the Process was submitted in Julian format. The variable is resolved as the submission date of the Process in the format yyyyddd. Among other uses, the value returned is suitable for constructing a file name on the node receiving the file.

The value of the variable is resolved at Process submit time. The value will correspond to the date on which the Process was submitted, regardless of when or how many times the Process is actually executed.

%JOBID Specifies the job number.
%JOBNM Specifies the job name.
%JUSER Specifies a variable that resolves to the USERID of the submitted job.
%NUM1 Specifies the submission time of the Process in minutes, seconds, and fraction of seconds in the format mmssth.
%NUM2 Specifies the submitted time of a Process as the low order 4 bits of the milliseconds of the time expressed as 1 hex digit (a value from 0 through 15 expressed as 0 through F).
%PNODE PNODE name where the submit occurs
%PRAND Pseudo-random number (6 hex digits)
%SUBDATE Specifies the date the Process was submitted in Gregorian format. The variable is resolved as the submission date of the Process in the format cyymmdd where c is the century indicator and is set to 0 for year 19yy or 1 for year 20yy.

The value returned can be used to create a file name on the node receiving the file.

%SUBDATE1 Use this parameter to substitute the submitted date in the yyyymmdd date format.
%SUBDATE2 Use this parameter to substitute the submitted date in the yyyyddmm date format.
%SUBDATE3 Use this parameter to substitute the submitted date in the mmddyyyy date format.
%SUBDATE4 Use this parameter to substitute the submitted date in the ddmmyyyy date format.
%SUBTIME Specifies the time the process was submitted. The variable is resolved as the submission time of the process in the format hhmmss. The return value can be used to create a file name on the node receiving the file.

The value of the variable is resolved at Process submit time. The value will correspond to the time at which the Process was submitted, regardless of when or how many times the Process is actually executed.

%USER Specifies a variable that resolves to the user submitting the Process
SYSOUT=(sysout_keyword1, sysout_keyword2, . .)

Refer to the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Facilities Guide for a list and description of the SYSOUT keywords.

SYSOPTS="DBCS=(tablename,so,si, PAD | PAD=pc,
LOGIC=A | B | (B,RC))"
“CODEPAGE=(from code set, to Unicode code set)”
specifies the FROM system operation parameters.

DBCS=(tablename,so,si,PAD|PAD=pc,LOGIC=A|B|(B,RC)) is used to invoke the double-byte character set (DBCS) translation facility.

tablename is the name of the requested DBCS translation table. The tablename is required with DBCS. If you only specify tablename, you do not need to enclose the parameters in parentheses. For an updated list of translation tables provided by IBM Connect:Direct, see Supporting DBCS in IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide.

so is the SHIFT-OUT character denoting a shift from single-byte character set (SBCS) to double-byte character set (DBCS) mode. The default is the IBM standard x’0E’.

si is the SHIFT-IN character denoting a shift from DBCS to SBCS mode. The default is the IBM standard x’0F’.

Note: NOSO indicates no shift-out or shift-in character and is denoted by the use of x’00’ for the SO and SI characters. NOSO is used when the data is not in mixed form and is assumed to contain all DBCS characters.

PAD|PAD=pc specifies that padding characters are in use. When DBCS data is translated from EBCDIC to ASCII, PAD specifies that the SHIFT-OUT and SHIFT-IN characters will be replaced by a pad character. This allows the displacement of fields within a record to remain unchanged during translation.

When DBCS data is translated from ASCII to EBCDIC, PAD specifies that the input ASCII DBCS file is in a padded format. The character immediately preceding a DBCS character or string will be overlaid by the SHIFT-OUT character. The character immediately following a DBCS character or string will be overlaid with the SHIFT-IN character. This allows the displacement of fields within a record to remain unchanged during translation.

pc is the pad character to be used during EBCDIC to ASCII translation. pc is ignored for ASCII to EBCDIC translations. The default value for pc is x’00’.

LOGIC=A|B|(B,RC) tells IBM Connect:Direct how to process data when it encounters SO (SHIFT-OUT) and SI (SHIFT-IN) characters. Normal mainframe data processing expects a pairing of SO/SI characters, and generates an error and terminates a Process when these SO/SI characters are not equally matched. You specify the DBCS keyword within the SYSOPTS parameter, the parameters that define the translation table and the SO and SI characters, and whether padding characters are in use. For example, the following two examples of a SYSOPTS parameter mean the same thing and tell IBM Connect:Direct to use this normal method to process DBCS data (LOGIC=A):




The initial state of the data is SBCS. With normal logic translation processing, you are not required to specify the keyword, Logic=A. With normal logic, the mainframe system processes the data as SBCS until it encounters an SO character. After encountering the SO character, the system expects DBCS characters. IBM Connect:Direct generates an error and terminates the Process if it encounters one of the following conditions:

  • An SI character before an SO character
  • A combination of SI and SO characters without data between the SI and SO characters

    An alternate processing method exists. When you specify LOGIC=B, special rules apply to the normal DBCS translation. The system tells IBM Connect:Direct to send the file before generating an error. LOGIC=B tells IBM Connect:Direct to continue processing and keep the state as SBCS if the system encounters one of the following conditions:

  • An SI character before a SO character
  • An invalid combination of SI and SO characters

    The system processes the data in the state that was in effect prior to the invalid SI-SO combination and sends the entire file. After sending the file, the system generates an error.

    Alternate Translation allows for the file to be completely transferred and an error (message SCPA074I with return code 8) noted at the completion of the transmission. You also have the option of using LOGIC=B,RC to specify a different return code within the range of 1-254 for this specific message. If you specify LOGIC=B without specifying a return code, the default return code of 8 is used. The following coding examples show how to specify a return code for SCPA074I and the expected results for each:


    In the example above, if the DBCS transfer produces the SCPA074I message, the return code generated will be 4.


    In the example above, if the DBCS transfer produces the SCPA074I message, the return code generated will be 254 or X'FE'.

CODEPAGE=(from code set, to Unicode code set) invokes code set conversion utilities supported by the z/OS system.

  • from code set is the name of the code set of the original data. The code set name is required and can be any z/OS-compatible IBM code set, such as IBM-930, IBM-932, IBM-942, and IBM-943, or LOCALE to indicate the default code page set for the sending node.
  • to Unicode code set is the name of the code set on the local node that will be used as the intermediate conversion format. The code set name is required and can be UTF-8 or UCS-2, or their equivalent on other operating systems. For example, 65001 is the UTF-8 equivalent on the Microsoft Windows system.

The code set specifications are only validated for basic syntax. An invalid code set specification will produce an error message on the node attempting conversion.

A code set value of LOCALE specifies the default code set for the node performing conversion.

parameter1[parameter2,...] is used in conjunction with the IOEXIT parameter. It specifies the parameters to be passed to the I/O exit for copies from a non-370 node to a Connect:Direct for z/OS node.

DATATYPE = TEXT | BINARY specifies the type of data in the file. Data can be either text or binary format. Can be a key word. Valid for HFS files only.

XLATE = NO | YES specifies whether ASCII/EBCDIC character translation occurs. Can be a key word. Valid for HFS files only.

STRIP.BLANKS = NO | YES specifies whether trailing blanks characters are removed from the text record before writing or transmitting the record. Can be a key word. Valid for HFS files only.

PRECOMP=YES|NO specifies that IBM Connect:Direct will automatically decompress a file that was precompressed with the CDSACOMP utility. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS User Guide for more information on the CDSACOMP utility.

YES indicates that the FROM data set is precompressed and tells IBM Connect:Direct to decompress the file as part of the Process.

NO tells IBM Connect:Direct to send the file in compressed format. This value works only when copying to another Connect:Direct for z/OS system that can decompress the file using the CDSACOMP utility.

If SYSOPTS are not coded or if SYSOPTS='PRECOMP=NO', the file is sent in compressed format and the receiver must run CDSACOMP with MODE=DECOMP.

ZEDC=ON | OFF specifies whether the ZEDC hardware compression should be be ON (enabled) or OFF (disabled) for this data set.

ZIIP=ON | OFF specifies whether the extended compression should be attempted to be offload to the ZIIP processor (ON) or not attempted (OFF).

“DBCS=(tablename, so, si, PAD | PAD=pc, LOGIC=A | B | (B, RC))”
“CODEPAGE=(from Unicode code set, to code set)”
“SYSOUT=(sysout_keyword1, sysout_keyword2, . .)”

specifies the TO system operation parameters.

UNIQUE=YES specifies that the Unique Member Name Allocation Exit (AXUNIQ) will be invoked in order to force the PDS member name to be unique on the z/OS TO node.

Note: The initialization parameters must specify ALLOCATION.EXIT=AXUNIQ in order to use SYSOPTS=“UNIQUE=YES”.

DBCS=(tablename,so,si,PAD|PAD=pc, LOGIC=A|B|(B,RC)) is used to invoke the double-byte character set translation facility.

tablename is the name of the requested DBCS translation table. The tablename is required with DBCS. If you only specify tablename, you do not need to enclose the parameters in parentheses. For an updated list of translation tables provided by IBM Connect:Direct, see Supporting DBCS in IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Administration Guide.

so is the SHIFT-OUT character denoting a shift from single-byte character set (SBCS) to double-byte character set (DBCS) mode. The default is the IBM standard x’0E’.

si is the SHIFT-IN character denoting a shift from DBCS to SBCS mode. The default is the IBM standard x’0F’.

NOSO indicates no shift-out or shift-in character and is denoted by the use of x’00’ for the SO and SI characters. NOSO is used when the data is not in mixed form and is assumed to contain all DBCS characters.

PAD|PAD=pc specifies that padding characters are in use. When DBCS data is translated from EBCDIC to ASCII, PAD specifies that the SHIFT-OUT and SHIFT-IN characters will be replaced by a pad character. This allows the displacement of fields within a record to remain unchanged during translation.

When DBCS data is translated from ASCII to EBCDIC, PAD specifies that the input ASCII DBCS file is in a padded format. The character immediately preceding a DBCS character or string will be overlaid by the SHIFT-OUT character. The character immediately following a DBCS character or string will be overlaid with the SHIFT-IN character. This allows the displacement of fields within a record to remain unchanged during translation.

pc is the pad character to be used during EBCDIC to ASCII translation. pc is ignored for ASCII to EBCDIC translations. The default value for pc is x’00’.

LOGIC=A|B|(B,RC) tells IBM Connect:Direct how to process data when it encounters SO (SHIFT-OUT) and SI (SHIFT-IN) characters. Normal mainframe data processing expects a pairing of SO/SI characters, and generates an error and terminates a Process when these SO/SI characters are not equally matched. You specify the DBCS keyword within the SYSOPTS parameter, the parameters that define the translation table and the SO and SI characters, and whether padding characters are in use. For example, the following two examples of a SYSOPTS parameter mean the same thing and tell IBM Connect:Direct to use this normal method to process DBCS data (LOGIC=A):




The initial state of the data is SBCS. With normal logic translation processing, you are not required to specify the keyword, Logic=A. With normal logic, the mainframe system processes the data as SBCS until it encounters an SO character. After encountering the SO character, the system expects DBCS characters. IBM Connect:Direct generates an error and terminates the Process if it encounters one of the following conditions:

  • An SI character before an SO character
  • A combination of SI and SO characters without data between the SI and SO characters

    An alternate processing method exists. When you specify LOGIC=B, special rules apply to the normal DBCS translation. The system tells IBM Connect:Direct to send the file before generating an error. LOGIC=B tells IBM Connect:Direct to continue processing and keep the state as SBCS if the system encounters one of the following conditions:

  • An SI character before a SO character
  • An invalid combination of SI and SO characters

    The system processes the data in the state that was in affect prior to the invalid SI-SO combination and sends the entire file. After sending the file, the system generates an error.

    Alternate Translation allows for the file to be completely transferred and an error (message SCPA074I with return code 8) noted at the completion of the transmission. You also have the option of using LOGIC=B,RC to specify a different return code within the range of 1-254 for this specific message. If you specify LOGIC=B without specifying a return code, the default return code of 8 is used. The following coding examples show how to specify a return code for SCPA074I and the expected results for each:


    In the example above, if the DBCS transfer produces the SCPA074I message, the return code generated will be 4.


    In the example above, if the DBCS transfer produces the SCPA074I message, the return code generated will be 254 or X'FE'.

CODEPAGE=(from Unicode set, to code set) invokes code set conversion utilities supported by the z/OS C/C++ compiler.

  • from Unicode set is the name of the Unicode set of the encoded data sent to the receiving node. The code set name is required and can be UTF-8 or UCS-2, or their equivalent on other operating systems. For example, 65001 is the UTF-8 equivalent on the Microsoft Windows system.
  • to code set is the name of the final code set that will be used on the remote node. You can use LOCALE to indicate the default code page set relevant to the receiving node.

DATATYPE = TEXT | BINARY specifies the type of data in the file. Data can be either text or binary format. Can be a key word. Valid for HFS files only.

XLATE = NO | YES specifies whether ASCII/EBCDIC character translation occurs. Can be a key word. Valid for HFS files only.

STRIP.BLANKS = NO | YES specifies whether trailing blanks characters are removed from the text record before writing or transmitting the record. Can be a key word. Valid for HFS files only.

PERMISS = nnn specifies the HFS file permissions for a file being created. This subparameter is ignored if the file already exists. Can be a key word. Valid for HFS files only.

Note: To honor the permission setting for HFS files using the PERMISS keyword, set the UNIX System Services UMASK to 000, either by default or by using the runtime environment variable, _EDC_UMASK_DFLT. To set the environment variable, define the _EDC_UMASK_DFLT=000 variable in a RECFM=VB type file and allocate the ENVIRON DD in the IBM Connect:Direct startup JCL. For example:

The first digit indicates the owner’s file permissions, the second digit indicates the owner’s group’s file permissions, and the third digit indicates the file permissions for all others.

The following table shows permission values:

Value Permissions
0 No file access allowed
1 Execute access allowed
2 Write access allowed
3 Write and Execute access allowed
4 Read access allowed
5 Read and Execute access allowed
6 Read and Write access allowed
7 Read, Write, and Execute access allowed

For example, permiss=634 indicates that the file owner has read and write permissions, the owner’s group has write and execute permissions, and all others are allowed only read access. Permiss=751 indicates that the file owner has read, write, and execute access, the owner’s group has read and execute access, and all others have execute access to the file.

SYSOUT=(sysout_keyword1, sysout_keyword2, . .) specifies various SYSOUT keywords. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for z/OS Facilities Guide for a list and description of the SYSOUT keywords.


specifies subsequent processing to be performed if the condition specified is true.


specifies that the subsequent parameters and subparameters define the destination file characteristics.

(TO) DSN = data set name/password | FILE=filename

specifies the destination data set name when used with the TO parameter.

Note: DSN is optional when used with the IOEXIT parameter.

If the data set name does not follow standard z/OS data set name conventions, enclose the data set name in single quotation marks to allow for special characters.

If the data set being copied from requires a password for read or the data set being copied to requires a password for write, the password may be specified in the COPY statement after the data set name. A slash (/) must follow the data set name and precede the password. This password is used at data set allocation. If it is not correct, z/OS issues a WTOR requesting the password when Connect:Direct for z/OS software opens the data set. For example:

COPY TO DSN=data-set-name/pwd...

If the data set is an HFS file, the filename must begin with a slash (/). The name is limited to a maximum of 255 characters. It does not have to be enclosed in quotes. For example:


specifies the status of the file on the receiving node. Subparameters are as follows:

Note: If you are decompressing a file using CDSACOMP, you cannot allocate VSAM files as DISP=(NEW,CATLG). You must predefine the VSAM output file.

For tape files only: If a COPY statement specifies DISP=(NEW,CATLG) on the TO clause and the tape file already exists as a cataloged file, the COPY statement fails.

First Subparameter specifies the status of the file before the Process executes. Only the OLD and RPL dispositions apply to VSAM files. Valid options for this subparameter are as follows:

  • NEW specifies that the Process step will create the destination file. NEW is the default.
  • OLD specifies that the destination file already exists. The Process will have exclusive control of the file. If DISP=OLD, the destination file may be a VSAM file, SAM file, or PDS.
  • MOD specifies that the Process step will modify the SAM file by appending data at the end of the file. If a system failure occurs when MOD is specified, the system is designed not to restart even if CKPT is specified; data loss or duplication would be difficult to detect.
  • RPL specifies that the destination file will replace any existing file or, if none exists, will allocate a new file. DISP=RPL may be specified for SAM or VSAM files. If the file is VSAM, it must be defined with the REUSE attribute, which specifies that the file can be opened and reset to the beginning.
  • SHR specifies that the destination file already exists. The file can be used simultaneously by another job or Process.

Second Subparameter specifies the normal termination disposition, but does not apply to VSAM files. Valid destination file dispositions are as follows:

  • KEEP specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step completes. If DISP=(NEW,KEEP), a volume serial number also must be specified.
  • CATLG specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step completes and an entry is to be placed in the catalog. CATLG is the default.

Third Subparameter specifies the disposition of the file after an abnormal Process step termination resulting in a non-zero completion code. This subparameter applies only to non-VSAM files. The PNODE setting for the THIRD.DISP.DELETE initialization parameter controls how IBM Connect:Direct processes this subparameter’s value when an ABEND occurs in the COPY step on the SNODE. Valid destination file dispositions are as follows:

  • KEEP specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step terminates abnormally or with a non-zero return code.
  • CATLG specifies that the system keeps the file after the Process step terminates abnormally and that an entry is to be placed in the catalog. CATLG is the default.
  • DELETE specifies the system deletes the file if the Process step terminates abnormally.
TYPE = typekey

specifies the entry name of the type defaults file. The type defaults file contains the default file attributes used to allocate the destination file. The typekey is specified only when defaults are requested by the user.

  • For z/OS to OpenVMS copies: For z/OS to OpenVMS copies where the typekey exceeds eight characters, the typekey must be entered into the SYSOPTS parameter on the TO clause of the Connect:Direct for OpenVMS COPY statement.
  • For OpenVMS to z/OS copies: The typekey must not be greater than eight characters.
UNIT = ([unit-address | device-type | group-name] , [unit-count | P])

specifies the unit address, device type, or user-assigned group name where the file resides or will reside. For SAM-to-SAM copies where the destination file is new and the UNIT parameter is not specified with the TO parameter, the device type from the source file is used. When unit address is 4 bytes in length, begin the value with a slash (/). For example, if the unit address is 1FA2, UNIT=/1FA2.

Specify a unit-count to allow additional units to be allocated if required, or specify P to allocate the same number of units as volumes and then parallel mount the volumes.

VOL = ([PRIVATE], [RETAIN], [volume-sequence-no], [volume-count]
,[SER=(serial-no [,serial-no,...])]) |
([SER=(serial-no, [serial-no,...]) | ,REF=dsn])

specifies the volume serial number(s) containing the file and optional processing associated with the file. If VOL is not specified with the FROM parameter, the file must be cataloged. Valid options are as follows:

PRIVATE specifies allocation of an output file only if the volume is specifically requested and is used for direct access storage devices only.

RETAIN has no significance because IBM Connect:Direct does dynamic deallocation of data sets. However, if RETAIN is omitted, a comma must be specified. If RETAIN is specified, the volume is not retained as it would be in a regular batch.

volume-sequence-no specifies the volume of an existing multivolume data set to be used to begin processing the data set. The volume sequence number must be less than or equal to the number of volumes on which the data set exists or the job fails.

volume-count specifies the maximum number of volumes required by an output file.

SER identifies by serial number the volumes on which the output file resides or will reside.

REF allows you to place a data set on the same volume as the referenced data set. It must be cataloged on the system where it is referenced.