Connect:Direct for OpenVMS Process Parameters


determines the node-to-node session on which a Process can execute. If CLASS is not specified in the Process, it defaults to the class value specified for PARSESS in the network map.

CKPT = [nK | nM]

specifies the byte interval for checkpoint support. Checkpointing enables restart of interrupted transmissions at the last transmission checkpoint, avoiding the need to restart a transmission from the beginning.

Only sequential disk files can be checkpointed.

IBM® Connect:Direct® converts the specified value to a block boundary, and a data transmission checkpoint is taken at that position.

Checkpointing is the responsibility of the node receiving the files. Connect:Direct for OpenVMS can only checkpoint a Connect:Direct for z/OS®file if IBM Connect:Direct z/OS initialization parameters are set as CKPT.MODE=(Record Record...). See the Connect:Direct for z/OS documentation for more information.

Specify a checkpoint value of zero in the Process to disable automatic checkpointing. To override automatic checkpointing, use K to denote thousands; M for millions.

COMPRESS [PRIMEchar = X‘xx’ | X’20’ | C‘c’]

specifies to compress the data, which reduces the amount of data transmitted during a copy and decreases transfer time. The file is automatically decompressed at the destination.

If you specify compression, IBM Connect:Direct reduces the amount of data transmitted based on the following rules:

  • Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 2-63) of the primary compression character are compressed to 1 byte.
  • Repetitive occurrences (ranging from 3-63) of any other character are compressed to 2 bytes.

Compression is CPU-intensive, and its effectiveness is data dependent. It should only be used if its benefits are known.

PRIMEchar specifies the primary compression character. The default value for PRIMEchar is a blank (X‘20’). However, for variable byte files, use a character other than blank as a compression character.


specifies the type of comparison to be performed. Valid symbols, alternate symbols, and conditions are:

  • = or EQ specifies that the completion code must be equal to the value nn to satisfy the condition
  • <> or ¬= or NE specifies that the completion code must not equal the value nn to satisfy the condition
  • >= or ¬< or GE specifies that the completion code must be greater than or equal to the value nn to satisfy the condition
  • > or GT specifies that the completion code must be greater than the value nn to satisfy the condition
  • <= or ¬> or LE specifies that the completion code must be less than or equal to the value nn to satisfy the condition
  • < or LT specifies that the completion code must be less than the value nn to satisfy the condition

The completion code from the RUN JOB statement is from the job submission only and is not the completion code of the submitted job.


identifies the COPY statement. you can specify this statement with either the FROM or TO parameter.

DATAEXIT =((exit-name-1 [, C ‘p1’, C ‘p2’, ... , C ‘pn’]) . . . (exit-name-n [, C ‘p1’, C ‘p2’, ... , C ‘pn’]) )

calls a user-written program to examine or modify the data for the associated copy. You can specify multiple exit names.

exit-name specifies the name of the user-written program called to examine or modify the data.

parameter specifies a parameter passed to the specified exit. Each parameter must be enclosed in single quotation marks and prefaced by C.

The DATAEXIT parameter is supported on VAX platform only.

The following is an example of the DATAEXIT format:

[,KEYLEN = number-of-bytes]
[,LRECL = number-of-bytes]
[,RECFM = V | F | VB | FB)]

specifies attributes for allocating destination files. These parameters override the source file DCB information.

For SAM-to-SAM copies where the destination file is new and the DCB parameter is not specified with the TO parameter, DSORG is taken from either:

  • the source file
  • the TYPE defaults file if the TYPE keyword has been specified

The following are the subparameters:

DSORG specifies the file organization. File organizations supported are:

  • Physical Sequential (PS), the default
  • library files (PO)
  • keyed files (KSDS)
  • relative files (RRDS)

Connect:Direct for OpenVMS does not support copying a VSAM KSDS file from z/OS to a keyed file under OpenVMS.

KEYLEN specifies the length of the key in bytes used in the file.

LRECL specifies the record length.

RECFM specifies the record format. Valid record formats are:

  • V (variable-length files)
  • F (fixed files)
  • VB (variable block files), the default
  • FB (fixed block files)

STREAM overrides RECFM if it is specified.

DEFCONN.MODE = (first | scan | name)

specifies the default method of selecting a communications path used to establish a session for Process execution.

first specifies that Connect:Direct for OpenVMS will only use the first COMM.PATH specification in making a connection.

scan specifies that Connect:Direct for OpenVMS will use each COMM.PATH specification in turn, until a connection is successfully made.

name represents an actual COMM.PATH name that Connect:Direct for OpenVMS should use when making connections.

DSN = ‘file-specification’

specifies the file specification of the DCL command procedure. This parameter is required.

Enclose the DSN in single quotation marks.

If you do not specify the OpenVMS device or directory, the login default device or directory is used for the OpenVMS user name. The user name is derived from the IBM Connect:Direct SUBMITTER (node ID, user ID) or specified in the PNODEID or SNODEID.

DSN = filename | FILE = filename

specifies the name of the file that contains the Process. This parameter is required.


specifies the end of the IF THEN or IF THEN ELSE block of statements. It is required.


designates a block of IBM Connect:Direct statements that execute when the IF THEN condition is not satisfied.


bypasses all remaining steps within a Process.


specifies the source file characteristics. This parameter is required.


specifies the status of data on the source node.

OLD requests exclusive access to a file.

SHR requests shared access to a file. This is the default.


specifies the source file specification. This parameter is required.

If the source file is a OpenVMS file with a maximum record size of 0 and a longest record size of 0, then DCB LRECL and BLKSIZE information must be specified for the destination file. Use the DCL command ANALYZE/RMS to determine if the maximum record size and longest record size of a OpenVMS file are both 0. This is common with STREAM_LF files.

If you are copying a file from an IBM node, enclose the file specification in single quotation marks if it uses spaces or other special characters.

If the OpenVMS file specification is not complete, the login default device and directory information is used to complete the file specification.

If the SUBMITTER qualifier is specified in the Connect:Direct for OpenVMS SUBMIT command string and PNODEID and SNODEID are not specified, the user ID defaults from the SUBMITTER subparameters are used for the file specification. If either PNODEID or SNODEID is provided, the user ID defaults in the PNODEID or SNODEID subparameters are used to complete the file specification.

Use of PNODEID and SNODEID is dependent on the direction of the transfer.


moves to a specific step, defined by the label, within a Process.

HOLD = Yes | No | Call

specifies whether the Process is placed in the Hold queue at submission.

Yes submits the Process to the Hold queue where it remains until the operator explicitly releases the Process.

No executes the Process as soon as possible. This is the default.

Call places the Process in the Hold queue until a session is established with the specified SNODE. This session could be established by either another Process running on the PNODE or the SNODE contacting the PNODE. For example, a Process submitted with HOLD=NO establishes a session and causes execution of any Processes for this node that are designated HOLD=CALL.


specifies that IBM Connect:Direct execute a block of statements based on the completion code of a Process step. You use an EIF statement with an IF THEN statement. A return code with the high order bit on is evaluated as a negative return code.


For the IF THEN statement, the label specifies the name of a previous step whose completion code is used for comparison.

For the GOTO statement, the label specifies the name of a subsequent step in a Process. The GOTO statement requires a label. The label name cannot be the label of a preceding step nor the label of the GOTO statement of which it is a part.

Labels must begin in column one. The label consists of a 1-8 character alphanumeric string, with the first letter alphabetic only.

NEWNAME = new-name

specifies the new name to be given to the Process. The default value is the label on the PROCESS statement.


specifies the numeric value used for completion code checking. If specified as X‘nn’, it is a hexadecimal value. Any other specification indicates a decimal.

Typically, if a completion code less than 4 is returned, the Process completed successfully. In most cases, a return code greater than 4 indicates the Process ended in error. A return code equaling 4 indicates a warning.

PACCT = ‘pnode-accounting-data’

specifies the accounting data for the primary node (PNODE). The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. Enclose the string in single quotation marks if special characters are part of the accounting data.


indicates that the RUN TASK executes on a Connect:Direct for OpenVMS node. This field is required.


For a Copy statement, specifies that the file to be copied resides on the primary node.

PNODE is the default in the COPY FROM statement. If the file specification is incomplete and the PNODEID is specified, the default user ID from the PNODEID is used to complete the file specification. Otherwise the defaults of the submitter user ID are used.

For a Run Task statement, specifies that the task is executed on the primary node, which is the default.

For a Run Job statement, specifies that the job is submitted on the primary node, which is the default.

PNODE = primary-node-name

specifies the primary node to be used in the Process.

primary-node-name is a 1-16 character alphanumeric name that is defined in the network map. The name can be expressed in alphanumerics or nationals (@ # $), with embedded periods.

Note: The node to which the Process is submitted is always the PNODE. This parameter defaults to the name of the node submitting the Process and need not be specified. It is used for documentation purposes only.
PNODEID = (id [,pswd ] [,newpswd])

specifies security user IDs and passwords at the primary node (PNODE). This parameter should be used only to validate security with an ID different from the one you used to sign on to IBM Connect:Direct.

id specifies the 1-64 character security ID passed to the security system at the PNODE.

pswd specifies the current 1-64 character security password for the specified ID. This parameter can be used by the security system at the PNODE to validate the current security password. The password is optional unless the user has security set to require a password.

newpswd specifies the new 1-64 character security password. It can be used by the security system to change the current security password to the new security password.


identifies the PROCESS statement.

process name

specifies the 1-8 character name of the Process. The first character must be alphabetic. The Process name must start in column one. The PROCESS keyword must be on the same line as the Process name.

This label identifies the Process in messages or statistics.

PRTY = n

specifies the Process priority in the Transmission Control Queue (TCQ). This priority is used for Process selection and does not affect OpenVMS priority.

The default priority is defined during installation of Connect:Direct for OpenVMS. The range is from 0-15. See the IBM Sterling Connect:Direct for OpenVMS Installation and Administration Guide for more information.

RETAIN = Yes | No | Initial

keeps a copy of the Process in the Hold queue after the Process executes.

Yes keeps the Process in the Hold queue after initial execution. You must then do one of the following:

  • Manually release the Process through the CHANGE PROCESS command to execute it
  • Delete the Process through the DELETE PROCESS command
  • Specify the STARTT parameter to release the Process again at a specified interval. Using RETAIN=YES with STARTT will run a Process repeatedly at a given interval. However, a date is invalid as a STARTT subparameter when used in conjunction with RETAIN.

    When a Process is submitted with RETAIN=YES and HOLD=NO or CALL, the HOLD parameter is ignored.

No specifies that the system deletes the Process after execution. This is the default value.

Initial specifies that the Process executes every time IBM Connect:Direct is initialized. The Process will not execute when initially submitted. Do not specify STARTT with RETAIN=INITIAL.


identifies the RUN JOB statement.


identifies the RUN TASK statement.

SACCT = ‘snode-accounting-data’

specifies the accounting data for the SNODE. The maximum length of the accounting data is 256 characters. If special characters are part of the accounting data, the string must be enclosed in single quotation marks.

This parameter is ignored when the SNODE is a Connect:Direct for i5/OS node.

SELECT = (name | *)

specifies criteria for selecting PDS members for a copy. The SELECT parameter can be specified only with the FROM parameter.

name specifies an individual member name.

* represents a global generic, which indicates that all members of the file are to be copied.


For a Copy statement, specifies that the file to be copied resides on the secondary node. SNODE is the default in the COPY TO statement. If the file specification is incomplete and the SNODEID is specified, the default user ID from the SNODEID is used to complete the file specification. Otherwise the defaults of the submitter user ID are used.

For a Run Task statement, specifies that the task is executed on the secondary node.

For a Run Job statement, specifies that the job is submitted on the secondary node.

SNODE = secondary-node-name

is a 1-16 character alphanumeric name that specifies the secondary node (SNODE) to be used in this Process. The name can be expressed in alphanumerics or nationals (@ # $), with embedded periods. This parameter is required, unless it is specified on the SUBMIT command.

This is the logical node name that has been defined as the adjacent node in the network map.

When specified on the SUBMIT statement, this parameter overrides the value specified in the PROCESS statement. The PNODE and SNODE can specify the same symbolic node name.

SNODEID = (id [,pswd ] [,newpswd])

specifies security user IDs and passwords at the secondary node (SNODE).

id specifies the 1-8 character security ID passed to the security system on the SNODE.

For Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, this subparameter specifies the HP NonStop group number and user number. These numbers can range from 0-255.

For Connect:Direct for i5/OS, this subparameter specifies the i5/OS user profile used for authorization checks during Process execution. It is limited to 8 characters.

pswd specifies the current 1-8 character security password and can be used by the security system on the SNODE to validate the current security password. This is optional unless the user’s security requires a password.

newpswd specifies the new 1-8 character security password. It can be used by the security system to change the current security password to the new security password.

For Connect:Direct for HP NonStop, SAFEGUARD must be running on HP NonStop.

STARTT = ([date | day][,hh:mm:ssXM])

specifies that the Process will be executed at a selected date or time. The date, day, and time are positional parameters. If the date or day is not specified, a comma must precede the time.

Do not specify STARTT with RETAIN=INITIAL.

If you specify both HOLD=YES and a STARTT value in a Process, the HOLD specification takes precedence, and the Process is placed in the Hold queue.

date specifies that the Process is to be held until the desired date. The day (dd), month (mm), and year (yy) can be specified in one of the following formats:

yymmdd mm/dd/yy
yy/mm/dd mm.dd.yy yyddd (Julian date)
mmddyy yy/ddd (Julian date)

If only date is specified, the time defaults to 00:00.

You cannot specify a date in the STARTT parameter if RETAIN=YES.

day specifies the day of the week to release the Process for execution. Valid names include MOnday, TUesday, WEdnesday, THursday, FRiday, SAturday, and SUnday. You can abbreviate the day value to the first two characters.

If the day of the week is specified with RETAIN=YES, the Process executes the same day every week. If only day is specified, the time defaults to 00:00. Therefore, if a Process is submitted on Monday, with Monday as the only STARTT parameter, the Process does not run until the following Monday.

You can also specify TODAY, which releases the Process for execution the day and time of Process submission (unless the time of day is specified), or TOMORROW, which releases the Process for execution the next day.

You can also specify NOON, which releases the Process for execution at noon, or MIDNIGHT to release the Process for execution at midnight.

hh:mm:ssXM indicates the time of day the Process will be released in hours (hh), minutes (mm), and seconds (ss). XM can be set to AM or PM.

You can specify the time of day using the 24-hour clock or the 12-hour clock. If you use the 24-hour clock, valid times are from 00:00:00 to 24:00:00. If you do not use AM and PM, the 24-hour clock is assumed.

If you use the 12-hour clock, 01:00:00 hours can be expressed as 1:00AM, and 13:00 hours can be expressed as 1:00PM.

If you specify hh:mm:ssXM with RETAIN=YES, the Process executes at the same time every day. You do not need to specify minutes and seconds.

You can also specify NOON, which releases the Process for execution at noon, or MIDNIGHT to release the Process for execution at midnight.


specifies the user=defined name of the Copy, Run Job, Run Task, or Submit step.

Stepnames must begin in column one. Stepnames are 1-8 character alphanumeric strings. The first character must be alphabetic.


identifies the SUBMIT statement.


specifies the node where the Process defined in this SUBMIT statement executes.

PNODE means that the Process is submitted on the primary node. This is the default.

SNODE means that the Process is submitted on the secondary node.

In both cases, the Process must reside on the node on which it is being submitted.


identifies the SYMBOL statement.


specifies a 1-17 character string that is substituted into the Process. This parameter is required for the SYMBOL statement. .

When IBM Connect:Direct encounters a symbolic name, it substitutes the string represented by that name.

Symbols in the string are resolved from previously specified values in a PROCESS, SUBMIT, or SYMBOL statement. With the SYMBOL statement, different pieces of a IBM Connect:Direct statement string can be concatenated, allowing you to move data in a variety of ways.

Specify a null value by an equal sign immediately followed by a comma (=,) . Enclose symbolic parameters containing special characters in single quotation marks.

&symbolic_name_1 = variable-string-1
&symbolic_name_2 = variable-string-2
&symbolic_name_n = variable-string-n

specifies the default value for a symbolic parameter in the Process. The SUBMIT command will override this value.

Specify a null value by =, (an equal sign immediately followed by a comma). Enclose symbolic parameters strings containing special characters in single quotation marks.

When specified on the SUBMIT statement, the symbolic parameter must begin with a single ampersand. This allows the Process that contains the SUBMIT statement to resolve symbolic parameters correctly.

An ampersand symbolic parameter can be set to a single ampersand symbolic parameter that was resolved during the first Process submission.

Do not use identical symbolic names.

[LOG[=‘file-specification’] | NOLOG]

specifies system operation parameters. Enclose the string in double quotation marks.

KEEP | NOKEEP specifies log file disposition.

  • KEEP specifies that the log file is kept.
  • NOKEEP specifies that the log file is deleted after it is printed. NOKEEP is the default unless NOPRINT is specified.

LOG[=‘file-specification’] | NOLOG specifies whether output is saved in a log file.

If a file specification is provided, output is saved in a log file. If the file specification is not provided, the log file name uses the name of the command procedure with an extension of LOG.

NOLOG specifies that a log file is not created.

The default is to keep the log and name it after the first (or only) file in the job.

Pn=‘string’ passes parameters to the command procedure. The range for n is 1-8.

PRINT | NOPRINT specifies whether the log file for the job is queued for printing upon job completion.

NOPRINT specifies that the batch job is not printed.

The default is to submit the log file for printing to the system as a batch job.

The default print queue for the log file is SYS$PRINT. If NOPRINT is specified, KEEP and LOG are assumed and the log file is not deleted.

QUEUE=‘queue-name[:]’ specifies the name of the batch job queue where the job is entered. SYS$BATCH is the default when QUEUE is not specified.

WAIT specifies that the RUN JOB waits for the command procedure to finish before continuing processing. The default is that the statement does not wait for the OpenVMS command procedure to complete.


performs Connect:Direct for OpenVMS system operations during file transfer.

Enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. Enclose each subparameter string in single quotation marks. Separate the subparameters by blanks. For example:


MOUNT=‘string’ is any valid Digital Command Language (DCL) MOUNT command qualifiers for tape operations. The DCL command MOUNT should not be in the string. There is no default for this subparameter, but it must be defined when you mount tape devices.

Do not specify ASSIST on the MOUNT command unless an attendant is available to perform operator duties.

Allocating the tape drive is not required. The tape must have been previously initialized using the standard OpenVMS INITIALIZE command. If the tape has not been initialized, it does not have a volume label. For normal file access, OpenVMS cannot mount a tape unless it has a volume label; however, if the volume label is unknown, the tape may be mounted with the /OVERRIDE=ID qualifier positioned to modify either the command or the tape label parameter. For example:


DISMOUNT| NODISMOUNT specifies whether the tape volume is automatically dismounted once a COPY step is complete. The user should specify DISMOUNT in the SYSOPTS parameter of the last COPY step that references the tape volume. The default is DISMOUNT. A tape may remain mounted across multiple copies within the same IBM Connect:Direct Process. For example, specify the following in the SYSOPTS parameter of the first COPY step:


TYPE=‘string’ contains file attribute information. This SYSOPTS subparameter overrides the TYPE parameter on the COPY statement. String specifies the entry name in the type library (NDM_TYPE.TLB). There is no default for this subparameter, and it is not required. For example:

The following are included in the type library:

These types provide FDL (file definition language) statements that are required to create the various files.

LIBRARY=‘string’ specifies the library type of a Connect:Direct for OpenVMS file (whether it is being sent or received). The string can be one of the following: TEXT, HELP, MACRO, <type-number>. The <type-number> is a binary key. TEXT is the default for this subparameter.

REPLACE | NOREPLACE specifies whether to replace library modules. NOREPLACE is the default.

Note: The version number must be included in the OpenVMS library name to ensure that the correct library is used.

BINARY | NOBINARY specifies whether data conversion occurs during a file transf

er. BINARY (no text conversion) specifies that Connect:Direct for OpenVMS files are not converted from ASCII to EBCDIC. NOBINARY is the default.

If the size of the binary file is not an even multiple of the record length of the IBM file, IBM pads the file (that is, enters binary zeros (0) in the last record of the file). Padding may cause the file to be unusable. If padding and data conversion are not desired when moving text files, send the Connect:Direct for OpenVMS text file to an IBM file of variable-length records and include the BINARY subparameter in the Process.

PROTECTION=‘string’ specifies the protection level desired on files copied to OpenVMS. Specify this subparameter in the format of the DCL SET PROTECTION command. The default is the protection previously defined on the OpenVMS process running Connect:Direct for OpenVMS. The following is an example of using the PROTECTION subparameter:


DIROWN| NODIROWN specifies file ownership. By default, the file is owned by the owner of the directory where the file was placed. If NODIROWN is specified, then the file will be owned by the submitter of the IBM Connect:Direct Process. DIROWN is the default. The COPY SYSOPTS="DIROWN" overrides the NDM$$DIROWN logical in the server logical table.

If you are using a PROXY account and you are copying a file from an IBM node to a file on a remote DECNET node, SYSOPTS="NODIROWN" may need to be specified if the account which was used in the proxy does not exist in the remote DEC node.

DISSETPROT | DISSETPROTspecifies protection/ownership.

If the Connect:Direct for OpenVMS NDM$$DISSETPROT initialization parameter definition is 1, Connect:Direct for OpenVMS will not attempt to set the protection/ownership on the file after it has been copied.

If the NDM$$DISSETPROT definition is not 1, Connect:Direct for OpenVMS will attempt to set the protection/ownership as it normally does unless overridden by specifying DISSETPROT in the SYSOPTS parameter of the COPY statement. If the NDM$$DISSETPROT definition is 1 but NODISSETPROT is specified in the SYSOPTS parameter of the COPY statement, Connect:Direct for OpenVMS acts as if NDM$$DISSETPROT were not defined to 1 and attempts to set file ownership/protection. XLATE=‘string’ specifies ASCII-to-EBCDIC and EBCDIC-to-ASCII translation tables for a COPY operation. These tables are maintained in a OpenVMS text library. The value is a table name in the translate table text library. If no table name is specified, the IBM Connect:Direct system uses the table named NDM_DEFAULT. The following is an example of the format for XLATE:

SYSOPTS= “[OUTPUT=‘file specification’] [CMD=‘DCL command’]"

specifies DCL commands and parameters on the RUN TASK statement. Enclose the entire SYSOPTS string in double quotation marks. Enclose each subparameter string in single quotation marks. Separate the subparameters with blanks.

OUTPUT=‘file specification’ specifies the SYS$OUTPUT of the Process. If the file is not included as part of this parameter, the log file name defaults to the command procedure name, with an extension of LOG.

Only use the OUTPUT subparameter when you do not use the Remote Procedure Execution (RPX) Facility. If you use OUTPUT in a RUN TASK statement and RPX is enabled, OUTPUT is ignored.

If you specify OUTPUT=‘device’, the Process output is written to the root directory of the account that issued the command. The output is assigned a type of .LOG. There is no file name.

If you specify OUTPUT=‘file’ (without a directory), the file is written to the root directory on the device assigned to the account that created the Process.

CMD=‘DCL command’ executes a DCL command by the Process. You can specify an arbitrary number of CMD parameters. You can specify any DCL commands that you are authorized to issue, with the exception of commands that require single or double quotation marks.

If a DCL command procedure uses a string parameter containing embedded blanks and normally requiring single or double quotation marks, replace the embedded blanks with underscores, eliminating single or double quotation marks. For example, the DCL command MAIL/SUBJECT “two words” filename can be specified in the RUN TASK statement as follows:

SYSOPTS=“CMD=‘MAIL/SUBJECT=two_words filename’”

specifies the subsequent processing to perform if the specified condition is met.


specifies the destination file characteristics. This parameter is required.


specifies the status of the data on the destination node.

RPL replaces the contents of the file if the version is specified and that version exists. Otherwise, the IBM Connect:Direct system creates the file or creates a new version of the file if the file already exists and a version number is not specified.

NEW creates the file if it does not exist. Otherwise, it creates a new version of the file if it already exists. This is the default.

OLD overwrites an existing version with exclusive access to the file. The file must exist.

SHR overwrites an existing version with shared access to the file. The file must exist.

MOD specifies that the Process step modifies the file by adding data to the end of the existing file.

If DISP=MOD is specified on the TO clause of the Connect:Direct for OpenVMS COPY statement and the destination file is a OpenVMS sequential file, Connect:Direct for OpenVMS supports checkpoint-restart. Connect:Direct for z/OS does not support checkpoint-restart when DISP=MOD is specified on the TO clause of the Connect:Direct for z/OSCOPY statement.


specifies the destination file specification. Either the DSN or FILE parameter is valid. This parameter is required.

If you are copying a file to an IBM node, enclose the file specification in single quotation marks if it uses spaces or other special characters.

If the OpenVMS file specification is not complete, the login default device and directory information is used to complete the file specification.

If the SUBMITTER qualifier is specified in the Connect:Direct for OpenVMS SUBMIT command string and PNODEID and SNODEID are not specified, the user ID defaults from the SUBMITTER subparameters are used for the file specification. If either PNODEID or SNODEID is provided, the user ID defaults in the PNODEID or SNODEID subparameters are used to complete the file specification.

Use of PNODEID and SNODEID is dependent on the direction of the transfer.

TYPE = typekey

specifies the name of the type file that contains the file attributes used to open the destination file. This typekey is specified only when defaults are requested by the user.

The SYSOPTS TYPE subparameter overrides this TYPE parameter on the COPY statement.

For z/OS, VM, or VSE to OpenVMS copies where the typekey exceeds eight characters, enter the typekey into the SYSOPTS parameter on the TO clause of the Connect:Direct for OpenVMS COPY statement.

On copies from Connect:Direct for OpenVMS to z/OS, the typekey must not be greater than eight characters.