Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Run Task Statement
The Connect:Direct® for Microsoft Windows run task statement calls external programs that run on the same system as Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows.
The new program runs as a separate Microsoft Windows process. The IBM® Connect:Direct Process waits for the completion of the command or program specified before continuing.
Note: Do not specify
programs in the run task statement that cannot complete without user
intervention. Unless you explicitly allow IBM Connect:Direct
to interact with the desktop through the Control Panel's Services
applet, you cannot provide input to the program and it will not complete
The run task execution results in a return code which is the exit code for the program executed using run task.
Note: When
using an external program executed by the IBM Connect:Direct
run task statement, do not use a return code of 16 in the external
program or the IBM Connect:Direct Process will fail.
The following is the Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows run task statement format. Refer to Connect:Direct for Microsoft Windows Process Parameters for more information.
Label | Statement | Parameters |
stepname | run task | pnode | snode |
pgm=Windows | ||
sysopts="pgm(filespec) cmd(command|parms) args(arguments) desktop(yes|no)" |
restart(yes) | restart (no) |