All program, transaction, file, and associated definitions
are provided in $CD.SDGACNTL(DGACCSD). DGACCSD contains Resource Definition
source code, which you may need to customize to meet your site's needs.
About this task
If the CICS® option
was installed in a release prior to IBM®
Connect:Direct® for z/OS® version
5.1, you must back out of the previous Resource Definition CSD source
code by using the JCL in $CD.SDGAJCL(DGAJCSD) prior to running the
$CD.SDGAJCL(DGAJCSDL) job referred to in the following procedure.
customize and install the IBM Connect:Direct CICS resource definition source:
- Review the source (DGACCSD). Use the GROUP and LIST names
provided or change them in order to have unique names, if necessary.
- Update the FILE definitions if any files have different
High Level Qualifiers than what were specified in the ISPF panels.
For each IBM Connect:Direct DTF
that your CICS system will
have an IUI with, you must have a File definition statement that points
to the network map used by that IBM Connect:Direct DTF.
To tell the IUI what FILE definition CICS is
using for the network map, the FILE name (DDName) must match the NETMAP
DDName entered in the DTF NODE CONFIGURATION record for that IBM Connect:Direct DTF.
- (Optional step) If you want to initialize IBM Connect:Direct during CICS startup or add IBM Connect:Direct CICS interface shutdown to the CICS shutdown, review $CD.SDGASAMP(DGAXPLT).
This member contains macro source and instructions for the CICS systems programmer to build
or update PLTPI and PLTSD entries.
Note: To make the IUI
available immediately upon CICS startup,
you must use the LIST name in the SIP GRPLIST (keyword) parameter
- Verify that the JOB and PARM information is correct in
- Shut down all CICS transaction
- Run the $CD.SDGAJCL(DGAJCSDL) job.