Configuring a Remote Node Record for the SSL or TLS Protocol
About this task
After you configure the local node, you can configure remote node records. When you import the network map file, you create a remote node record in the parameter file for each remote node record in the network map. Depending on how you configured the local node record, you may or may not need to update the remote node records.
- If you disabled the Connect:Direct® Secure Plus protocols in the local node record, IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus is disabled for all remote node records. You must update all remote node records that use IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus to identify which protocol is used by the trading partner.
- If you enabled a protocol in the local node record, that protocol is enabled in all remote node records. You must disable the IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus protocols in the records for all remote nodes that do not use IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus, and update all remote node records that use a protocol that is different from the protocol defined in the local node record.
Note: To override security functions for a particular session, you can use the SECURE parameter in
the PROCESS statement. For more information, see Override Settings in IBM Connect:Direct Processes. Note that
the more flexible you make the environment by allowing override, the less secure that environment
The following procedure assumes that you enabled the SSL (or TLS) protocol in the local node record, this remote node uses the SSL (or TLS) protocol, and that you need to modify some SSL (or TLS) parameters for this remote node record.
To update a remote node record for the SSL (or TLS) protocol: