Configuration for a Secure Connection between z/OS and OpenVMS Nodes

This topic provides a detailed example for defining a remote node record in both a Connect:Direct® Secure Plus for z/OS® parameter file and a IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus for OpenVMS parameter file to set up a secure connection between the two nodes.

In this example, two nodes have set up records in their respective IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus parameter files:

  • The IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus for z/OS node is named Q1A.ZOA.V4700 and is defined in a remote node record in the IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus for OpenVMS parameter file and in the network map.
  • The Connect:Direct for OpenVMS node is named Q1A.ITAN.V3400 and is defined in a remote node record in the IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus for z/OS parameter file and the network map.

The IBM Connect:Direct Secure Plus records are defined to allow each node to act as either the client (PNODE) or the server (SNODE), depending on which one initiates the session.