The following command searches for statistics records based on start and stop date and time, and excludes write-to-operator statistics messages.
The following command searches for statistics records based on start and stop date and time, and excludes write-to-operator and PDS member copy statistics records.
The following command searches for statistics records based on Process name, and start and stop date and time. It excludes write-to-operator statistics messages.
The following command searches for signon records for the user Mary.
The following command searches are identical and both select only WTO records.
The following command searches for statistics records based on Process start/stop date and time that ran on a IBM® Connect:Direct® Server named SERVER1.
The following command searches for Process submission records for Processes in which the SNODE is any node in Dallas, and prints the output. Assume that the site administrator indicates that the November statistics records are contained in a file pair whose key sequenced data set is named SYS.ARCH.STATS.M9611. For an explanation of statistics file pairs, search on Administering Statistics in the IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® Administration Guide.
The following command searches for signon and signoff records that match today’s date and the User ID SEAN.
The following command searches for the message ID SCMG010I and all message IDs that begin with SCPA.
The following figure illustrates the commands for archiving statistics for a single day using the Batch Interface. These commands archive the statistics from the previous day into the preallocated data set of the API referenced by the DD DMTMPDSN.