Sample IBM Connect:Direct for z/OS® CLISTs
The IBM® Connect:Direct® sample CLIST library, SDGAOPLS, contains the sample CLISTs included in the following table. Use these CLISTs to build customized IBM Connect:Direct commands with symbolic parameters that allow you to customize the CLIST at submission time. Sample operator commands for each CLIST are listed in the comment section.
CLIST Name | Command | Description |
DGAOCEV | SECURE CERTCK | Execute the Secure Certck. Performs the Certificate Expiration validation. |
DGAOCRF | SECURE REFRESH | Execute the Secure refresh. Refreshes the SecurePlus SSL/TLS environment. |
DGAOCMD | CMD | Provides a general format for issuing a IBM Connect:Direct command. |
DGAODP | DELETE PROCESS | Shows six ways to delete a Process using this CLIST. |
DGAODUMP | STOP CD (Force) | Stops IBM Connect:Direct using the FORCE parameter and produces abnormal ending (abend) 4095 and a dump. |
DGAOIPRM | DISPLAY INITPARMS | Displays initialization parameters to the operator
console. In a PLEX environment, it works as follows:
DGAOMSG | SELECT MSG | Shows a detail of the IBM Connect:Direct message requested. |
DGAONM | SELECT NETMAP | Displays entire NETMAP or it allows for one parameter – a node name. |
DGAORLSE | CHANGE PROCESS | Shows three ways to release a Process. |
DGAOSOFF | SIGNOFF | Signs the operator off IBM Connect:Direct. |
DGAOSON | SIGNON | Connects the operator to IBM Connect:Direct. |
DGAOSP | SELECT PROCESS | Shows six ways to display Process status information. |
DGAOSS | SELECT STATISTICS | Shows seven ways to select statistics for display. |
DGAOSTAT | SELECT STATISTICS | Shows three ways to select statistics for display covering a specific time period. |
DGAOSTOP | STOP CD | Stops IBM Connect:Direct using the STOP IMMEDIATE command. To perform an immediate shutdown in a PLEX environment from the operator console, issue the following command: F CD,STOP | CDPLEX. To stop a specific server, use this command: F CD,STOP | WHERE(SERVER=name) |
DGAOSUB | SUBMIT PROCESS | Shows two ways to submit a Process. |
DGAOSUSP | SUSPEND PROCESS | Shows four ways to suspend a Process. |
DGAOSWAP | SWAP NODE | Swaps operator to another node in a multiple session environment. |
DGAOTS | SELECT TASK | Shows active tasks. |
DGAOVP | VIEW PROCESS | Displays a specific Process. |